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Friday, July 27, 2012

Why I Love Autumn

            I know it is a couple of months away but fall, or autumn, has been on my mind. I believe it is because the heat of summer is causing me to look forward to cooler weather. When I discuss with people which season is my favorite, I always say, “It’s either spring or fall.” But I believe Autumn is my favorite season for many reasons.
            The first reason is, of course, the cooler weather. After enduring months of 100+ degree weather for weeks on end, the cooler temperatures of 85 and below are a welcomed treat. With these temperatures, one could actually get outside and do something—bicycle, have picnics, play volleyball, take walks, even lay out and read—without threatening heat stroke and dehydration. Another thing I love is the fact that these temperatures often last into December. Spring has cooler temperatures than summer but it seems that summer’s temperatures invade springtime pretty early. However, being in the south I have not seen winter’s temperatures invade autumn too early. In fact, last year’s autumn seemed to have invaded wintertime.

A Fall Festival attendee
            Another thing I like about autumn are the Fall Festivals. Fall Festivals are Christians’ answer to Halloween. Halloween is a pagan holiday that has taken on connotation of witchcraft and demonism. Not only that, it is not safe for children to go from house-to-house trick-or-treating. Too many people are taking this opportunity to kidnap and even poison children. I remember when my sister and I went trick-or-treating once as children and our grandmother checking our candy to see if anything was done to it. Even back in those days there were stories of people sticking razor blades into apples and lacing Tootsie Rolls with PCP. I imagine they are doing worse that now. After the Colorado Batman Massacre, I would not put anything past someone who is evil enough act on such evil ideas, especially around Halloween. It used to be that you would be safe going to the homes of the people you know, but that is no longer the case either. One reason is because many of us do not even know our neighbors. Another reason is that our neighbors’ intentions are not always honorable. It was for these reasons that Fall Festivals were born.

            Many churches now offer these events on or around Halloween as an alternative to the other, more dangerous activity. Plus, the kids do not have to participate in a pagan ritual to get the candy. Instead, the kids (and adults) can go to a church (in costume if they like) and play games to win candy and prizes. There is also food there. Since many churches use Fall Festivals as outreach events, the attendees do not have to be members of the church to attend.  And they are free.

            Let’s not forget the leaves. What a beautiful panorama of color that covers the trees in the fall. It is sad to know that soon those leaves will fall to the ground leaving the trees bare foreshadowing the arrival of winter. Yet, the beauty of autumn is a gift from God (and in my opinion, more evidence of the existence of God).

            Finally, there’s Thanksgiving. Who does not love the aroma of turkey and dressing, cranberry sauce, and sweet potato (or pumpkin) pie?  Thanksgiving, what a day? It is a day for family, food, football, and sleep. Yes, it is also a day to give thanks. Then again, is not everyday Thanksgiving?  Should we not give thanks to God every day and should we not be thankful everyday for the blessings we have?

            So, now you know why I love autumn. What is your favorite season and why?

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