Why No Revival? is a tract available from Chick Publications. Chick Publications designs and publishes tracts that are like mini comic books but they deliver a powerful message. All Chick tracts end with a presentation of the Gospel. Tracts themes cover everything from bikers to gunslingers to convicts to Halloween. There are also tracts written for children and tracts written particularly for African-Americans.
Why No Revival? answers the question, why have we not had a revival in our land in such a long time. Jack Chick, the author and publisher of Chick tracts wrote in the foreword, “Many pastors are unwilling or unable to say the things that appear in this book. Many things will make you angry and upset (I hope so), but I pray it will lead to repentance and to revival.” The tract then proceeds to illustrate why there is no revival. It depicts church members praying for new TVs instead of God’s presence. It depicts self-righteous attitudes. It depicts the selfishness of “Christians”. There are a host of other humorously depicted reasons, though the reasons themselves are not humorous. One thing the tract does succeed in illustrating, though, is that we have our priorities mixed up. In that way, we are like the world. Entertainers who add little to our society make millions while those who do contribute positively eke out a living. In the same vein, Christians care more about the newspaper and the TV Guide than they do the Bible. They spend more time in choir rehearsal than they do in prayer meeting. Want real revival, then I recommend every born again Christian read this tract.
Chick tracts are simple and easy to read, reminding us that the Gospel is not complicated. At the end of the tract is a prayer the reader can say to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Chick Tracts can be ordered either individually or in bulk. I’ve also found that you can click on a tract on the website. When it opens up, you can print the whole thing. The only negative of that is that it all prints on one page instead of the booklet format the tract comes in.
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