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Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Letter -- A Review

          The Letter is a tract available from Chick Publications. Chick Publications designs and publishes tracts that are like mini comic books but they deliver a powerful message. All Chick tracts end with a presentation of the Gospel. Tracts themes cover everything from bikers to gunslingers to convicts to Halloween. There are also tracts written for children and tracts written particularly for African-Americans.
            The Letter is a tract that will haunt you after you read it. The letter for which the title refers was delivered in a dream by an angel (or demon, I’m not sure). The letter was written from a friend in hell. In the letter, the friend accuses her still living friend of cheating her by not telling her about Jesus Christ. The tract ends in a chilling twist. Each person who reads the tract will have a strong inclination to tell their friends about Jesus.
           Chick tracts are simple and easy to read, reminding us that the Gospel is not complicated. At the end of the tract is a prayer the reader can say to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Chick Tracts can be ordered either individually or in bulk. I’ve also found that you can click on a tract on the website. When it opens up, you can print the whole thing. The only negative of that is that it all prints on one page instead of the booklet format the tract comes in.

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