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Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Great Falling Away: The Apostasy of the Church

          One of the lessons we can learn from the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation is that the church has cycles (or a cycle). Much like any organization, there is growth, a plateau, then a decline. After the decline there can be a rebound, another incline, or death. The church will not die. History has taught us that and Jesus has promised it. Yet, the church does have a cycle that it seems to follow.
            In the beginning, when the people first come to Christ, they are on fire for Him. They worship in spirit and truth. They serve. They give generously. Then the fire starts to cool. Worldly cares seep in. People don’t read their Bibles like they once did. People don’t pray like they once did. People don’t attend church like they once did. Preachers don’t preach like they used to. Preachers and teachers don’t prepare like they used to. As Jesus said, they will have left their first love. Eventually, in the life of the believer, as in the life of the church itself, worship goes from relationship to ritual.

            It is no longer about Christ. It becomes more about the process than the Person. People just go through the motions. The come; they read; they pray; they give; they leave but no real change has taken place. They had no real encounter with the Savior. They received no fuel to carry them throughout the week. Like a charcoal removed from the fire, they all soon grow cold. Now, they no longer have a faith, they have a religion.

            I believe every church started out on fire for God. I believe this is true of the Catholics, the Methodists, the Presbyterians, the Baptist. But over time, their love for the Lord has started to grow cold. Their devotion, our devotion, is moving from relationship to ritual. Once we move in this direction, it won’t be long before the church is compromising with the world—embracing ecumenism in the name of peace.

            In several of Paul’s letters, he speaks of the falling away or the apostasy of the church. In 1 Timothy he wrote that people would ‘depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons’. In 2 Timothy he wrote that the time is coming when people would no longer tolerate sound doctrine but will acquire for themselves teachers that teach things that appease the flesh. In 2 Thessalonians he wrote that the falling away would precede the Rapture of the Church.

            What is the ‘falling away’ that Paul refers to? As one preacher once said, I don’t believe that it is some mass exodus from the church and that Jesus has to come back or there would be no Church for Him to come back for. Instead, I believe the falling away is encompassed in the words of Paul.

            First, there would be a drop in church attendance. It is no secret that church attendance is on the decline. Many churches have more empty pews now than they had in the past. This is likely due to several factors. Parents stopped teaching their children the fear of the Lord. When these children grew up, church was not on their radar. Another reason is that people are too busy with the cares of the world. Many people work on Sunday because businesses are open 7 days a week. People also use Sunday as a day of rest and Saturday (the Biblical day of rest) as pleasure day. Society frowns on church and religion. It is mocked in the media. It is satire on television. It is outlawed in schools and public buildings. Of course, the biggest reason is sin. Sin draws people from God not to Him. And since sin is so prevalent and even welcomed in today’s society, church attendance suffers.

            Second, people will depart from the faith. It is not that they stopped attending church. It’s just that they attend churches that don’t preach sin and repentance, hellfire and brimstone. Instead, these churches preach a social gospel—an I’m-OK-you’re-OK gospel. In this gospel, people don’t sin, they err. Yet, even without Christ, they can still live their best life yet. Regardless as to whether they are a Christian or not, everyday can still be a Friday. Others preach a prosperity gospel—a name-it-and-claim-it, call-it-and-haul-it gospel. Preachers in this gospel say all you have to do is lay your hands on it and claim it in the name of Jesus. God told Joshua that anyplace your feet trod I will give to you. Therefore, if you want a piece of land, walk its distance and claim God’s promise in the name of Jesus. If you want God’s best for your life, all you have to do is plant this faith seed and God will send you a harvest. As I said in my first book, God cannot be bribed!

            Finally, mainstream religions will depart from the fundamentals of the faith. Pastors (and deacons) are committing all sorts of immoral acts and the churches (congregations) are not holding them accountable. Instead, they are standing by their pastor or priest. There are Christian denominations that actually question the infallibility (without error) of God’s Word. There are Christian faiths that actually question the deity of Christ—who actually do not believe that Christ was God. Now there are Christian denominations that are ordaining homosexual ministers—people who are living in open defiance to God’s command. First of all, God called homosexuality a sin, not me. (Lev. 20:13, Romans 1:26-27) Second, God, through Paul, told Christians to avoid people who ‘have a form of godliness but deny its power (2 Timothy 3:5). Third, Paul said that all homosexuals will have their part in the Lake of Fire (1 Cor. 6:9). Not only are they ordaining homosexuals, some are even performing civil unions for them!

            In these last days, the apostasy is only going to grow. This is why it will be easier for the antichrist to come into power. What “Christians” are left behind will be so ignorant of the Word that they won’t recognize him until it is too late. On the other hand, the Bible encourages us to stay read up and prayed up. We are to work out our own soul salvation. We are to make our call and election sure. In other words, we are to stay on the straight and narrow and not to stray from God Word. We are to read it, learn it, and hide it in our hearts. We are to cling to it and stick with it no matter what the world or the church does. God’s Word is the only thing that will last. Jesus is not coming back for a congregation. He is coming back for a Bride who has made herself ready and who has remained faithful to Him.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Death Does not Have to be Permanent

Death does not have to be permanent? I’m sure you thought that all deaths were permanent; however, the Bible teaches us that not all deaths are permanent. What do I mean by this? To understand this truth, let’s first look at what death really is.
            When we think of death, we think of funerals and burials (or cremations). We remember the loss of life, the empty void, the heartbreak. We see death as the end of life, but God sees death differently. Biblically speaking, death simply means, “separation.” We are spirits with a soul. As spirits, we are eternal. We will live forever. How do I know this? Genesis 1:26 reads, “Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness.” In John 4, Jesus said God is spirit. So we are made in God’s image (spiritual) and after His likeness (Trinitarian). The Godhead is made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are soul, body, and spirit. When we die, our body simply ceases functioning. Since our body is what anchors our soul to this planet, when our bodies cease, our spirits are free to leave the physical realm. We are then separated from those who are still here.
            When God told Adam that when he ate of the tree he would die, He meant that Adam’s disobedience would separate him from God. This is illustrated by God asking, “Adam, where are you?” It wasn’t that God didn’t know where Adam was but to show a change in their relationship. This is again illustrated when Jesus was on the cross. When God placed upon Him the sins of us all, Jesus was separated from God for the first time in eternity. In this separation, Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Since Adam sinned, each soul (being) born after him, was born spiritually dead. We were separated from the presence and the knowledge of God. This is why many people don’t know God, and even some deny His existence.
            So, what happens when a person dies? When a person dies in Christ (having trusted Christ as their Lord and Savior), their spirit/soul goes to Paradise to be with the Lord. (Absent from the body, present with the Lord—2 Cor. 5:8). When a person dies apart from Christ, their soul goes to Hell, a place prepared for those who rebel against Him and His will. Why do unsaved people go to Hell when they die? Hell is a place God created for the devil and his angels, the first rebel. It is a place that is separated from His presence and His holiness. This truth is the same for the Lake of Fire, the final destination of the unsaved (those who reject God’s gift of salvation). The Lake of Fire is called the second death, the second separation.
            We are eternal beings. This is evidenced in the Bible. Elijah raised the widow’s son. Saul used a medium to call up Samuel’s spirit. Jesus spoke of Lazarus and the rich man. Jesus raised the centurion’s daughter. Jesus raised Lazarus. Jesus, Himself, was raised from the dead. There is also evidence from non-biblical sources. There are many news accounts and reports of people who have died and come back from the dead.

            Here are a few sites:



            What’s the conclusion of the matter? If we come to Christ, ask Him to forgive our sins, and put our trust in Him as the One who paid the penalty for our sins, we will be saved. We will have life because He will come to live in us. We also have the hope of glory. We will be see our Savior. We will see God. We will be reunited with other loved ones who died in Christ. We may be separated for a time. It may seem like we have lost them as we see them lying in the coffin, but Jesus assures us that all His people will be together again (Matthew 25: 34, John 11:25, Hebrews 11:39-40)
Therefore, death does not have to be permanent.

Here are some books on Near-Death Experiences:

90 Minutes in Heaven: A True Story of Death & Life23 Minutes In Hell: One Man's Story About What He Saw, Heard, and Felt in that Place of TormentHeaven is for Real: A Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and BackThe Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life beyond This World

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Encounter--A Movie Review

Cast: Bruce Marchiano, Jaci Valesquez, Steve “Sting” Borden, Danah Davis, Madison Gibney, and Jamie Nieto.
Directed by: David A. R. White (who makes a cameo at the end of the movie)

Plot: Five people meet at a mysterious diner in the middle of nowhere. While there, they meet someone who could change their lives forever.

Review: The Encounter is reminiscent of the Christian film, Late One Night. In that movie, three friends meet at a diner where they meet a Christian of whom they make fun. In this move, five people, some who have no previous relationship, are traveling down a dark road on a stormy night when they encounter a sinister State Trooper who informs them that the road is closed. Having passed a diner, they turn around and go back to the diner to wait out the storm. From here, the drama begins to play out.

            They encounter a person who claims to be Jesus, who somehow knows everything there is about each person. This is lucky for them because each one has a problem that only Jesus could help them with—if only they let him. Each person has some hard decisions to make and some make the wrong one.

            The plot is probably not original. After all, before it was the movie, “The Perfect Stranger,” which was based on the book, Dinner with a Perfect Stranger. Yet, I thought Bruce Marchiano was a convincing ‘Jesus’ and Kass Connors was eerie as the devil (Officer Deville). Steve Borden represents those people who don’t think they need Jesus.

            I recommend this movie to anyone who is Christian or curious about what Christianity is all about. It is available for instant streaming on Netflix and for free viewing on YouTube. Four out of five stars.

How to Handle Irate Customers

If you have ever worked in a position that has any degree of customer interaction, then you likely have had to deal with irate customers. There are a number of reasons customer are irate. They range from misunderstandings about their agreement with your company to displeasure with your product or service to anger over personal issues. This hub will provide some strategies to handling irate customer and even salvage the relationship. Though this hub deals primarily with handling customer complaints, it can also be used to resolve conflicts in many areas of life.

Remain calm and don’t take it personally.
The first tendency of a person who is dealing with an irate person is to take it personally and start matching the tones and words of the irate person. We see their verbal assault as an attack upon our person when, in reality, they are attacking the company for which we work. Therefore, the first strategy in dealing with irate people is to not take it personally and to remain calm in the situation. If you keep your voice low and steady, then eventually the irate person will lower theirs, too. On the other hand, if you attempt to raise your voice to match theirs, it will only add fuel to the fire and they will either raise their voice louder or become more irate, as they will see it as an attack on them. Remember, they are already upset with your company. Yelling at them or calling them names will only escalate the situation.

Summarize their complaint.
Once you’ve gain an understanding of their complaint, summarize it to them to ensure you are correct in your assessment. If you do not understand their complaint, ask probing questions to clarify any unclear issues. By repeating their complaint back to them, you show that you heard them and understood them. This can go a long way toward calming the customer because one issue customers have with companies is that they do not feel that they are being heard by the company. It can also help save you time trying to resolve the wrong issue because you misunderstood the customer’s concern.

Empathize with the customer.
In his book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” Dale Carnegie advises his readers to put themselves in the shoes (place or mindset) of the other person with whom they are in conflict. See it from their perspective. Not only can this help calm the irate customer, but it can also go a long way towards resolving the issue. Say to them, “Mr./Ms. Customer, I understand why you feel like you do and, in your situation, I would feel the same way.” Perhaps, it is our view or reasoning that is flawed. We cannot assume that we are always correct. In some cases, the other person may actually be right.

Own the encounter.
One thing call center managers teach their employees is to own the call. When a customer calls with an issue or a complaint, it is the responsibility of the one who answers the call to resolve it, as much as it is within their ability. Whether the confrontation is on the phone or in person, if you are the person taking the complaint, you should be the one to resolve it. If you need to get further authorization or coordinate with another department, you should do so and not just transfer the customer. One thing an irate customer hates is for someone to pass the buck. Who likes being transferred from one department to another with each department saying, “We don’t do that here. I don’t know why they transferred you to us. Let me send you to…” Instead, own the encounter. Get the issue resolved.
            There are times when you have to escalate the call to management or to another department because company rules demand it or the customer demands it. If that happens, do so. Explain to the customer what you are doing. If possible, do a warm transfer. That means, when you call up the department or supervisor, explain to them the customer’s issue and, if possible, introduce the customer to the person who will be taking over the call. Say to the customer, “Mr./Ms. Customer, (person’s name) is on the line and they will continue to assist you from here.”

End the call/encounter on a positive note.
If you cannot resolve it while they are on the phone (on during the visit), let them know, tell them what the next steps are, and set up a time to get back with them.  There may be something that the customer needs to do. If so, summarize it and make sure they understand their role in resolving their issue. If you are unable to resolve the issue by the time you are supposed to get back with them, still call them and let them know of what progress you’ve made and what you are still waiting on for the issue to be resolved. Try to set up a new deadline to get back with them.  If you do this, this will help the customer to see that the company is interested in them and their concern. It also can restore a favorable impression of the company with the customer.

As an agent of the company, you are part of that company. Therefore, when you are conversing with an irate customer, don’t take sides with the customer against the company. Don’t blame other departments for errors. Don’t say things like: “They’re always messing up and doing things like that” or “They’re just so slow over there.” Instead, say something like, “I’m sorry about the error. We will look into that and get it corrected as soon as possible. We appreciate your business and your patience in this matter.” Remember, you are all in it together.
People who interact with customers, either on the phone or in person, are the face of the company. Therefore, they are going to be the ones who are the targets of people’s ire. Don’t take it personally. Don’t argue with customers. Don’t insult customers. Instead, listen to their complaints. Repeat them back to the customer. Empathize with them and offer to help. Resolve the issue even if this means getting others involved. Being the face of the company not only means that you are the target of attacks but it also means that you are the one who can influence a person’s impression of the company—whether that impression is positive or negative. Your actions or inactions can sway whether the customer comes back or not.

How Anyone Can Sell Just about Anything

In my extensive career history, selling was one of the hardest positions I’ve had. Perhaps, it was because of my mindset. I’ve always seen selling as trying to convince people to give up their money when in reality it is trying to show people how your products and services can help make their lives better. I also believe selling was hard for me because by nature I am an introvert and the best sellers are usually extroverts. Yet, in my experience, there are many skills I’ve learned that can make nearly anyone a successful salesperson.
            There are hundreds of books on the market that tell you how to sell or how to become a top seller. Yet, I believe that all those books which detail the secrets of successful selling can be summed up with these four tips. If you follow them, you too should be able to sell just about anything to just about anyone.

Tip #1—Know your product or service.

If you are going to sell anything, the first thing you need to know is the product or service. Learn everything you can about the product or service. Read the tech specs, read the marketing brochures, even talk to the designers or the product or the performers of the service, if possible. You do this for two reasons. First, you appear knowledgeable to the prospective customer and they feel more comfortable buying from you. The next reason we will discuss later.
            When I worked at Dell Computers, I needed to know all about the computers, both desktops and laptops. I needed to know how many Gigabytes the hard drives held. I need to know what memory was. I needed to know about the different sales packages. When I worked at Conn’s Appliances and Electronics, I needed to know what the difference between HD and LCD was. I needed to know how LCD TV differed from other flat panel TVs.

Tip #2—Know your customer.

Why do we need to know our customers? It is because we need to know them so that we can best present to them our product or service. Based on the product or service you’re selling, you will need to know your customer’s name, address, living conditions, neighborhood, age of house, and his or her perceived needs. This is just some of the things you need to learn. These demographics are what help marketers decide whom to target their product or service. After all, if the person doesn’t need what you’re selling, then you’re wasting your time approaching them.
            Salespeople are taught to know their customers. By knowing your customer, you can ascertain their needs. There are many ways to do this but there are only two main ways I know. I got to know my customers by:

·         Establishing rapport. What does it mean to establish rapport? Webster’s Dictionary defines rapport as “relation marked by harmony, conformity, accord, or affinity.” Establishing rapport means relating to your customer. It is getting to know your customer and establishing a relationship with him or her. Emphasize things you have in common—family, work history, hobbies, etc. People are more likely to buy from someone they like and feel connected to than from a stranger. Rapport brings trust.

·         Ask probing questions. If you work in a store, ask your customer, “What brings you in today?” When I worked at Dell, we would answer the phone by saying, “Thanks for calling Dell. What can I build for you today?” these questions are designed to find out what the customer’s perceived needs are so you can narrow your focus of inquiry. You may get everything from “were just looking” to an actual answer. If you get the ‘were just looking’ answer, you could ask, “Is there anything in particular you would like to see?” From that you can assess what it is they are likely shopping for.

Tip #3—Match your product or service to the needs of your customer.
The second reason why you need to know all aspects of your product or service is so you can better promote it to your customer. Through your knowledge, you can highlight the aspects of your product or service that match the real or perceived needs of your customer. Enthusiastically and knowledgeably explain to your customer how your product can benefit them. One thing I did at Conn’s when I was selling HDTVs was emphasize the clarity of the picture. I would explain to them how looking at an HD TV essentially “puts you in the show. It’s as clear as if you were there!” What perceived need does this meet? People want a television with a picture that is clear and allows them to see every minute detail. This is especially true of those who love sports, cooking, even decorating.
Matching the benefits of your product or service to the needs of your customer is true regardless of what you’re selling. Even when selling yourself to a prospective employer, it is important that you know your strengths and weaknesses, as well as know the company you’re applying to and its needs. The question a potential customer or employer is secretly asking is this, “How will your product or service meet my needs?” (In the case of employment, you are the product.) You can gain the sale or the job if you can answer this question knowledgeably and convincingly.

Tip #4—Ask for the sale.
This is the main mistake most salespeople make. They follow all the above tips but fail to ask the customer for the sale. They let the customer walk away. If you are going to be bold enough to build rapport, talk up the product, you should reward your hard work by asking for the sale. “So, can I set up delivery for today?” “Will you be looking to pay cash or charge? We have in-store financing.” 

If I were to give a tip #5, it would be to be persistent. Sales managers says you will get a dozen ‘no’s’ before you get one ‘yes’. The problem I believe some salespeople have is that they quit too soon. They either let the customer get away without following the above steps or they quit after getting a few no’s. Any job requires persistence and patience, especially if you are working in the area of customer service.
Another piece of advice I would give is continue your education. This does not necessarily mean going back to school, but don’t stop learning. Read books on selling, learn more about your industry and the products you’re selling, know your competition, and discover future trends. If you follow these tips and don’t give us too quickly, you, too, should become one of the top sellers in your company, maybe even your field.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What to do When a Loved One Passes Away: Funeral Planning 101

If you should happen to be one of the unfortunate (or fortunate) ones who is responsible for handling affairs after a loved one passes away, you can hopefully find help with this hub.

After the Death

What you do after a loved one dies is determined by where their death occurred. If they died in a hospital or a nursing home facility, you can simply have the institution to contact the funeral home of your choice to have the body picked up. You can then contact the funeral home to set up a time for you to come in and speak with the funeral director.
If your loved one should die at home, you will have to call the police and the EMTs. Someone has to call time of death and sign off on the death certificate. In a facility, this will be done by the staff. But in a home situation, a qualified person has to come and call time of death. This can be a hospice nurse, a RN, a doctor, or perhaps an EMT. After the death has been called and recorded, then you can call the funeral home and have the body removed. You can then set up a time to meet with the funeral director to make funeral arrangements.

At the Funeral Home

When speaking with the funeral director, there are several things that must be decided. It is a good idea for you to take another rational person with you. It is a longstanding rumor that funeral directors often prey on the emotions of the family to up-sell funeral services. Have in mind an idea of how much you are going to spend on the funeral. As of today, you can get a decent funeral for about $7,000, sealed vault included. Some additional services might include obituaries, flowers, opening and closing of the grave, and transportation of the body from one site/state to another. There also may be additional fees if you want the funeral held at the funeral home.
Some funeral homes offer packages in which certain funeral services are included. These services include: work of funeral director and staff, embalming, certain preparation of the body, casket, and the funeral service. This also may include the transfer of the body from the place of death to the funeral home. Ask your funeral director. Personally, I advise you speaking with your funeral director prior to the person’s passing. This will allow you to be in a less emotional mindset and thus able to make more reasonable choices.
There are some things you will need to know when you go speak with the funeral director. What is the date of birth/death of your loved one? Where were they born? Who are their parents? What is their mother’s maiden name? Did they have any children? What are/were their names and the names of their spouses? Where do they live? Were they in the military? If so, do you want a flag for the coffin? Do you want military presence at the funeral? (Is your loved one was in the military, the funeral home will need to contact the VA in order to request the flag, a VA-provided headstone, and reimbursement for certain funeral expenses.) What type of monument/headstone do you want? What do you want on it? Will you buy the flowers separate or do you want the funeral home to supply them? Do you want a wake? If so, when? The funeral director may be able to order death certificates. You should decide how many you want to have. There is a cost for each one. Keep in mind some institutions require originals while others will accept copies.
If you don’t have a plot already, you may need to purchase one. The funeral home will need to know where this plot will be prior to the funeral because they will need to know where the burial will be (unless the party is cremated, in which case they’ll need to know the name of the crematorium, if they do not provide such services). The funeral home will also need to arrange police escort to the burial site.
Of course, the most important thing to discuss with the funeral director is the cost. You can start off telling them how much you are willing or wanting to spend and they will try to put together something within your budget. You also need to discuss how the funeral services will be paid for. Is the family going to pay cash? Does the deceased have life insurance? If so, you will need the insurance policy so the funeral home can verify that the policy is still in effect and arrange payment. If the deceased had a prepaid burial plan, bring that policy with you. In my Pre-Need seminars, I often advise people to buy prepaid burial plans. With them, most of these decisions have already been made.

Planning the Funeral

When planning the funeral it is important to get everyone’s input. The funeral is for the family not the deceased. Get input as to: What will the deceased wear? Where will the funeral be held? (The time and location of the funeral should already have been decided prior to meeting with the funeral director.)  You should also decide how long you want the funeral to be. Discuss this with the funeral director because certain packages include a funeral of certain lengths, usually an hour. Determine what type of funeral you want. Do you want a somber funeral, a celebratory funeral, an evangelical funeral, or some blending of them? This will help in deciding the answers to the following: Who will deliver the eulogy? What songs will be song? Who will sing them? What scriptures will be read and who will read them? Will there be testimonials and how much time will be allotted for them? Who will serve as pallbearers? Who will design the obituary and how many will you print?  After the funeral, will there be a repast? If so, where will it be held?

As you can see, there are a host of things that need to be taken care of and a host of decisions to be made. As soon as you know your loved one will be passing on, you should start making decisions about funeral arrangements. You should also know or learn where important papers are like military discharge papers, insurance policies, money, Wills, and other papers. Discuss with your loved one what they would like to do with such items as clothing and dishes. Larger things should be covered by the Will.
What I’ve written here is based on my own experiences. I am sure it is not all inclusive. For more information, please contact your local funeral director or minister. Get with your family members and make plans. Another thing I advise in my seminars is that you begin planning your own funeral. After all, we all will die one day. Let’s not leave those decisions to our loved ones. If you do, “you will be saying you love them even from beyond the grave.”

Jesus and the Rapture

A Radical Idea

Most people believe that John 14:1-3 was when Jesus prophesied His return. This is believed to be the earliest prophecy of the Rapture of the Church. What if John 14 was not the first time Jesus prophesied the Rapture? Here is a radical idea, what if He alluded to it in John 11?
            In John 11, Jesus was ministering about a day’s journey from Bethany when He and His disciples heard that Lazarus was sick. According to the Scriptures, Jesus loved Lazarus. This may mean that He was fond of Lazarus rather than He loved Lazarus seeing that Jesus loved everyone. Yet, instead of going immediately to him, Jesus tarried where He was for two more days. After those days, He told His disciples that Lazarus was asleep and that He is going to wake him. Thinking that He meant that Lazarus was physically sleeping, they said, “It’s good that he sleeps for if he sleeps he will get well.” Then He told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead.”
            Upon arriving in Bethany, He was met by Martha, Lazarus’ sister. She told him, “Lord, had you been here, my brother would not have died.”
Jesus answered her and said, “Your brother will rise again.”
She responded, “Yes, Lord, in the resurrection at the last day.”
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
I believe in this exchange Jesus was hinting about the Rapture of the Church and He was using Lazarus as a living illustration. To prove my point, let’s compare what Jesus said with what Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
In this portion of Paul’s letter to the Church in Thessalonica, he was refuting some in the church who had said that the Rapture had taken place and those who are dead had missed it. Paul inquired of the Lord what to write then he responded to their lies with “the word of the Lord.” He said that Christians are not to sorrow over those who have fallen asleep as those who have no hope.  For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with the trump of God and the voice of the Archangel and the dead in Christ will rise. And we who are alive and remain at the coming of the Lord will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. We shall forever be with the Lord.
Not only is there the same wording Jesus used but there is also a parallel of the event. Jesus called those who have passed on, asleep. Paul also calls them asleep. Jesus first points out that the dead will live again. Paul starts talking about how the dead will rise first. Jesus then says that those who live will never die. Paul says that those who are alive and remain will be caught up. In other words, they will not die.
In addition to this parallelism, there is one more illustration of the Rapture. When Jesus raises Lazarus, He says, “Lazarus, come forth!” This is similar to His calling of John the Revelator in another picture of the Rapture in Revelation 3, “Come up here.” Jesus didn’t tell Lazarus to “come up here” because He was on earth. But when He returns He will say, “Come up here” because He will be in the air above the clouds.
I know this idea sounds radical, that Jesus spoke of the Rapture during the raising Lazarus, but I thought it was worth sharing.

Monday, September 12, 2011

What About the Heathen?

Christian theology states that Jesus is the only way of salvation from Hell. When detractors hear this, the question ultimately comes up, “What about the heathen in Africa or South America who have never heard about Jesus? Will God send them to hell because they have never heard of Jesus?” First of all, that question is loaded. God doesn’t send people to hell because they’ve never heard of Jesus. There are people in hell who have heard of Jesus. But what about the heathen in the hidden villages of Africa or South America who have never heard of Jesus? I believe the answer to that question is a complex one.          First of all, we can thank Paul for addressing that very question in Romans 2. He says that those who sin without the law will perish without the law. He then speaks of those who have not heard the law. When they “by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, 15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness…” When pagan or heathen or unreached societies pass laws and obey laws that are in accordance with the Law of God, they witness against themselves that they know the difference between good and evil. Their conscience even testifies against them.
          When Cain killed Abel, the first thing he did was hide the body. When God came to him and asked where his brother, Abel, was, Cain replied, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Not only did he seek to distance himself from the crime, but he even sought to put God on the defensive. Yet, God would have none of it. He told him that He knew what he had done and He punished Him for it. Cain did not have the Law. The Law was not given until Moses. Yet, societies had rules of law that were in accordance with God’s Law because God’s law is written in their hearts. They were then judged by God based on the amount of knowledge they had. The amount of knowledge they had is based on how well they followed the commands of God  They will not be judged by the Law of Moses but by their own law, with their conscience and their thoughts bearing witness either for them or against them.
Ok, so what about those who have not heard of Jesus? The same principle is true. God will judge people based on the amount of knowledge they have. Even though they have never heard of Jesus, God will not send them to hell based on that but based on how well they sought to know Him and to follow His law. As Paul goes on to say, it is not those who hear the Law that are righteous in God’s eyes but those who do the things that are in the Law.
Theology teaches that God reveals Himself in two ways: general revelation and specific revelation. General revelation means that God reveals Himself to everyone usually through nature. As a painting declares there’s a painter and a sculpture declares there’s a sculptor, creation declares that there is a Creator. When a person realizes this and seeks to know the Creator, He reveals more of Himself to them (Jeremiah 33:3). This is specific revelation. Specific revelation is when God reveal Himself to a person in a personal way. How does He do this? He may send a missionary. He may send an angel. Christ may come Himself to preach to them. God will find a way. It is not His desire that any should perish but for all to come to repentance.
When a person tries to explain away creation through Big Bang Theories and evolution, they reject the revelation that God has given and, therefore, don’t receive any further revelation.
There is no Bible verse on this, but knowing the nature of God and from some testimonies I have heard, it is possible that God gives the person who has never heard a chance to hear and receive the Gospel, even after death. This only pertains to those who have NEVER heard of Jesus nor had the chance to hear of Jesus. I believe God give everyone a chance to accept or reject. This is why Jesus said that the Gospel must be preached in all the world as a witness before the end of the age comes. Again, there is no Bible verse to confirm this. This is just my opinion.
In short, those who have never heard of Jesus will not be without excuse. God will judge them based on the knowledge that they have. That does not mean that we are not to get the Gospel out there. We are. It is how a person can come to have a personal relationship with God and have life abundant. Yet, the Bible teaches us that God is not unjust. He is not going to hold people accountable to a law or a Gospel of which they have never heard.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Trust is In the Lord

One thing the devil likes to do is destroy our joy. Jesus said the devil seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. He seeks to steal our peace, kill our joy, and destroy our faith. One way he does this is try to convince us that we have lost our salvation (or he tries to convince us that we were not saved to begin with).  However, the Bible tells us differently.             When the devil tried to test my faith, the Lord comforted me. He reminded me about Ephesians 2:8-10. We are saved by grace through faith and not of works nor of ourselves. It is the gift of God. What that means to me is that since I didn’t do anything to save myself; I can’t do anything to lose my salvation.
            When Jesus died, He indeed paid it all. He lived for me the life I could not live and died for me the death I could not die. When I put my trust in Him, God accredited to me the life that Christ live and placed upon Him my sins. When God sees me, He doesn’t see me but Christ. He sees the life Christ lived not the life I live. That doesn’t mean that God is ignorant of what I do. It means that He doesn’t hold what I do against me because Jesus already paid the penalty. Yet, fellowship with God is broken because of our sin; however, when we repent and ask God for forgiveness, fellowship can be restored.
            God then reminded me of Romans 8:1-2 which tells us that there is now no condemnation (judgment) to those who are in Christ Jesus, who live not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. The law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the spirit of the law. We are not under the law; we are under grace. Therefore, the law no longer applies to us. Jesus fulfilled the law on our behalf. Jesus did not come to do away with the Law but to fulfill the Law, which He did for us.
            The Bible says all we need to do is call upon the Lord and He will save us. That means all we have to do is ask Him to help us, to save us, to forgive us, and He will do so. Peter said that it is not God’s desire that any should perish (die eternally) but all to come to repentance. Jesus said that God gave His Son because He loved us and that if we believe in (have faith in) His Son we will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus did not come into the world to judge the world but to save the world. He will save anyone who believes in Him. “To all that received Him, He gave the power to be called the children of God, even to those who just believed on His name.”
            Romans goes on to say in chapter 10, that if we confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. We believe with the heart and our confession leads to salvation. When we confess that Jesus is the Christ, we are agreeing with God that Jesus is His Son and that Jesus is the Savior. It is like when a criminal confesses to a crime. When he confesses, he is merely getting in agreement with what the police already know. When our hearts are in agreement with our mouths, something powerful happens. It’s not just a mouth thing. People can say anything but when they say it because they believe it, a change takes place.
            So, my trust is in the Lord. I know that I cannot save myself. It is He who loved me. It is He who set out to restore the breach in our relationship. It is He who made a way for me to be saved.  It is He who pursued me. It is He called me. It is He who saved me. It is He who will keep me saved. Paul said it like this, “I know in Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed to Him until that Day.” Therefore, if I was counting on myself to keep myself saved then my faith would be in me and not in Him. Instead, my faith is in Christ and what He did on my behalf.
          Sola gratia…grace alone. Solus Christus...Christ alone.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

What’s Wrong with Harry Potter?

Unlike most people, I am not a part of the Harry Potter or Twilight craze. I didn’t see the appeal. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but there has been a sudden increase in movies and television shows that promote the supernatural. Movies like Zombieland, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, Freak Night, Twilight Saga, and of course, Harry Potter and television shows like True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Ghost Hunters, and Paranormal Files literally litter the box office and airwaves. They promote demonic and ungodly ideals. Why has there been a sudden influx of movies like this?
            First, I want to add that I know that shows like this have always been around. There was Bewitched. There was Sabrina, the Teen-aged Witch, Charmed, Witches of Eastwick, and Lost Boys. There were even the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies, but those movies came once a year, maybe. Supernatural movies come yearly or more often. The television shows are on weekly, on more than one network. Their popularity is growing.
            Some may argue that the reason why there are a plethora of shows is because studios know what is popular and they make clones of them. This is the reason there were a bunch of Apprentice clones (like Richard Branson’s Quest for the Best and The Cut with Tommy Hilfiger) that came out during the show’s heyday. I believe there is another reason.
            The Bible says that the antichrist will come with signs and lying wonders (2 Thess. 2:9). His powers will be supernatural except they will be from the devil rather than from God. I believe that the reason there is a number of supernatural movies is to prepare and even instill this philosophy to ready a generation to receive the antichrist. That is the reason why we have seen so many of these types of movies like never before.
            As I wrote in my hub, The Bible—Book of Truth, things are coming together, setting up the stage for the end time. The Bible describes what the days will be like in the end times. The news speaks about how nations in the Middle East are coming together with Russia in alignment against Israel. These are the same nations named in Ezekiel 38 and 39. As stated earlier, there will be supernatural events during those days. In addition to the 2 Thessalonians passage, Revelation 13 says that the False Prophet will cause a statue to speak, among other lying wonders.
            Through the entertainment industry and the education system, people are being introduced to witchcraft and being turned away from God. They are being introduced to this false power, which can be enticing to young minds. These shows and movies teach that by tapping into this power or by chanting magic words, they can do what Harry Potter or the women of Charmed can do. I know that in these movies, there is still evil. Sometimes that evil is the devil. The devil doesn’t care if you don’t worship him. He just doesn’t want you to seek and worship God. So, to ensure this, he is willing to play the villain.
            God led me to write this hub to hopefully open the eyes of the people to see that these movies have an ulterior purpose. That purpose is to lead people away from God. Seeking these ungodly powers, this black magic, comes with a heavy price. Demons and demonic possession are nothing to play with. Plus, people who play with this are putting their immortal souls in jeopardy. Jesus said that hell was made for the devil and his angels. People who follow the devil will also end up in hell with the devil. That is God’s Word.
            What is the answer? Turn from these movies and ask Jesus to come into your heart and to deliver you from the power of Satan. Though he has no real power, the devil’s influence on the unsaved is powerful. Christians should not follow Harry Potter or Twilight because they should recognize that these are ungodly movies cloaked in action and romance. But look behind the plotlines and see the story. Harry Potter is about a boy who is a wizard (a person who practices witchcraft). The Bible says that Christians are to avoid witchcraft and those who practice it. Twilight and its clones are about vampires and the undead and the underworld. There is no such thing as the undead. The underworld is the abode of demons.
            I cannot encourage you enough to turn away from movies and shows like this. Instead, get into the Word of God. His Spirit will give you enlightenment, if you ask God for it. Tell others about the dangers of these movies. Though they seem innocent, they are not. Yet, their apparent innocence will ensnare you and before you know it, you’ll be submerged in a world of evil. The devil is seeking to draw the minds of people from God and he is using the entertainment industry to do it.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Review -- Why No Revival

Why No Revival? is a tract available from Chick Publications. Chick Publications designs and publishes tracts that are like mini comic books but they deliver a powerful message. All Chick tracts end with a presentation of the Gospel. Tracts themes cover everything from bikers to gunslingers to convicts to Halloween. There are also tracts written for children and tracts written particularly for African-Americans.
            Why No Revival? answers the question, why have we not had a revival in our land in such a long time. Jack Chick, the author and publisher of Chick tracts wrote in the foreword, “Many pastors are unwilling or unable to say the things that appear in this book.  Many things will make you angry and upset (I hope so), but I pray it will lead to repentance and to revival.” The tract then proceeds to illustrate why there is no revival. It depicts church members praying for new TVs instead of God’s presence. It depicts self-righteous attitudes. It depicts the selfishness of “Christians”. There are a host of other humorously depicted reasons, though the reasons themselves are not humorous. One thing the tract does succeed in illustrating, though, is that we have our priorities mixed up. In that way, we are like the world. Entertainers who add little to our society make millions while those who do contribute positively eke out a living. In the same vein, Christians care more about the newspaper and the TV Guide than they do the Bible. They spend more time in choir rehearsal than they do in prayer meeting. Want real revival, then I recommend every born again Christian read this tract.
Chick tracts are simple and easy to read, reminding us that the Gospel is not complicated. At the end of the tract is a prayer the reader can say to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Chick Tracts can be ordered either individually or in bulk. I’ve also found that you can click on a tract on the website. When it opens up, you can print the whole thing. The only negative of that is that it all prints on one page instead of the booklet format the tract comes in.

The Letter -- A Review

          The Letter is a tract available from Chick Publications. Chick Publications designs and publishes tracts that are like mini comic books but they deliver a powerful message. All Chick tracts end with a presentation of the Gospel. Tracts themes cover everything from bikers to gunslingers to convicts to Halloween. There are also tracts written for children and tracts written particularly for African-Americans.
            The Letter is a tract that will haunt you after you read it. The letter for which the title refers was delivered in a dream by an angel (or demon, I’m not sure). The letter was written from a friend in hell. In the letter, the friend accuses her still living friend of cheating her by not telling her about Jesus Christ. The tract ends in a chilling twist. Each person who reads the tract will have a strong inclination to tell their friends about Jesus.
           Chick tracts are simple and easy to read, reminding us that the Gospel is not complicated. At the end of the tract is a prayer the reader can say to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Chick Tracts can be ordered either individually or in bulk. I’ve also found that you can click on a tract on the website. When it opens up, you can print the whole thing. The only negative of that is that it all prints on one page instead of the booklet format the tract comes in.

This Was Your Life Tract Review

This Was Your Life is a tract available from Chick Publications. Chick Publications designs and publishes tracts that are like mini comic books but they deliver a powerful message. All Chick tracts end with a presentation of the Gospel. Tracts themes cover everything from bikers to gunslingers to convicts to Halloween. There are also tracts written for children and tracts written particularly for African-Americans.
            This tract, This Was Your Life, is a take on the Parable of the Rich Fool. In it, a rich (or well-to-do) man has a heart attack and dies. He is then cast into hell. From there, He later stand before the White Throne Judgment Seat of Christ and his life is reviewed. It is shown as flashbacks as it is projected across the backdrop of the cosmos. There everything is laid bare—his history, his actions, his thoughts. My favorite part is when after all is revealed, including the many times he had opportunity to accept Christ and didn’t, he says, “I must have been insane!” After this story comes a parallel story, This Can Be Your Life. This one depicts what would have happened to him had he made better choices.
            The tracts are simple and easy to read, reminding us that the Gospel is not complicated. At the end of the tract is a prayer the reader can say to receive Christ as Lord and Savior. Chick Tracts can be ordered either individually or in bulk. I’ve also found that you can click on a tract on the website. When it opens up, you can print the whole thing. The only negative of that is that it all prints on one page instead of the booklet format the tract comes in.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Make Your Boast in the Lord

23Thus says the LORD:

“ Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
Let not the mighty man glory in his might,
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches;
24 But let him who glories glory in this,
That he understands and knows Me,
That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth.
For in these I delight,” says the LORD.

We live in a world where people brag about nearly everything. They brag about what they've accomplished. They brag about what they own. They brag about what they're going to do. Sometimes, they even brag about what they haven't done. God gives us the truth about what we are to brag about. We are to brag that we understand and know Him. I don't know about you but bragging about knowing God is the best thing I could ever hope to brag about.
Perhaps, you ask 'why?' I will not give you just one reason but I will give you three reasons why you should brag about understanding and knowing God.
First, knowing God is important because He is the only One who can affect change in our circumstances. It doesn't matter what we’re going through, there is one Person who can change it. That Person is God. He can change situations. He can change hearts. He can change lives. All we have to do is go to Him and let Him know our request. If we want to know how to express ourselves to God, read the prayers of King David in the Psalms. In them, he expressed his despair at the triumph of the wicked. He pled with the Lord for relief, for deliverance. He asked, “Lord, where are you?” “How long, O Lord, will you let the wicked go unpunished?” “Please don’t let my enemies triumph over me.” God heard and God answered.
Second, knowing God is important because He is the only One who can affect purpose in our lives. God is our Creator. As Creator, He designed us for a purpose. Much like a potter creates pottery for a purpose or an inventor invents a device for a purpose. God knows what our purpose is and if we are to learn it, we need to ask Him. He will reveal it to us. God has no reason to keep it secret. Look at Samson, God told Samson's parents what Samson's purpose was before he was born. Samson was to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines. God also told Jeremiah the Prophet, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” In short, knowing God can help us find out why we're here--what were we created for.
Third, knowing God is important because He is the only One who can affect salvation for us. God created us to have a relationship with Him. Unfortunately, sin destroyed that relationship. God took the initiative to restore that relationship when He sent His Son Jesus to live for us and to die for us on the Cross of Calvary. He then raised Jesus from the dead to show that Jesus' death was sufficient payment for our sins. Through Jesus Christ, we can be restored—reconciled —to God (2 Corinthians 5: 19). Jesus said that the very definition of eternal life is to know God and Jesus Christ who He had sent (John 17:3).
Here is the wonderful thing: we can know God for ourselves. We don't have to go through an intermediary. Jesus' blood has made it possible for us to go boldly to the throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16). We cannot even hope to know Oprah or have access to her. Even if we could get some access to her, even with her vast resources there is only so much she can do for you. This is true of any human. President Obama, Queen Elizabeth, Warren Buffett, Rupert Murdoch, all of them are limited in what they can do, even with their vast resources combined, provided you could even contact them. All the money in the world can't heal an incurable disease. All the money in the world can't save your soul. All the money or good words/wishes in the world can't give you true peace.
Only God can do these things. He offers us a relationship with Him. We don't have to go through a personal assistant. We don't have to have an appointment. We don't have to have a big name or know someone who knows someone. Instead, we can just go to God and ask Him to save us.
First, acknowledge you're a sinner. Second, repent of your sin (wrongdoing). Next, acknowledge that you need a Savior--someone to save you from the penalty of your sin (death). Then go to God and ask Him to save you, to forgive you. He will do so and you can begin a new, wonderful relationship with Him.
You then can make your boast that YOU understand and know the Lord.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

2 Great Proofs That God Exist

There many proofs that God exist. First, the earth is proof. We are on a planet that is safely distant from the sun. We are close enough that we don’t freeze; yet far enough that we don’t burn up. Human life is other proof. The body is complex. Even the eye is too complex for modern doctors to completely understand. We can even begin to scratch the surface of the brain. Here are two more proofs of God’s existence. Yet, many people think this all happened by chance.  But these are not the two great proofs I am referring to. The ones I am referring to are Israel and the Church.


I believe Israel is one of the greatest proofs or evidences of God’s existence. According to the Bible, Israel was founded by God through the man Abram. God said to him that He would make of him (Abram/Abraham) a great nation. He promised that Abraham’s seed would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand by the seashore. God promised Israel a land that would be theirs forever.
God allowed Israel to go Egypt in order to grow into a nation large enough to conquer the Promised Land. After 400 years, He visited Israel and delivered her from the Egyptians and led her into the land in which they now live. From the time that they left Egypt until this day, Israel has been under attack. She has been hated and despised by her enemies. Yet, she still exists. Even though she has gone up against enemies bigger and more powerful than she is, she still stands and they have fallen. Whether they are Perizzites, Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, or Amalekites, God has protected the nation of Israel. Even Adolf Hitler could not wipe out the Jews.
In fulfillment of His promise in Ezekiel 66 that a nation would be born in a day, Israel was recognized as a state in May 14, 1948. During the 6 Day War, God protected Israel when Egypt, Syria, and Jordan sought to invade. Even today, with Iran breathing threats of destruction, the Palestinians sending bombs and missiles into the land, and the whole world looking at Israel with disgust, she will still stand. If God does not exist, how could such a nation still exist in the face of such opposition? God defends Israel, Even when Iran and her Russian and Muslim confederation try to invade her, God will defend Israel by destroying the entire invasion force. Why does Israel still exist? God looks after her. He made a covenant with her and He will see it through to completion.

The Church

Since the Church’s beginning, she, too, has been the target for those who are against God. Why is this? Since her founding, the Church has done nothing but preach love and hope and sought to meet needs. Yes, there were some bad apples along the way. The Crusades were not ordained of God, I believe. But for the most part, the Church has been on the defensive not the offensive.
Nearly all the Disciples of Jesus were martyred; all but John the Revelator. People argue that the Bible account was a lie and that Jesus did not die or that Jesus did not get up from the grave. They pose the hypothesis that it was all a ruse perpetrated by His Disciples. My question is, to what end? They nearly all died miserable deaths. Peter, Philip, Andrew, Simon, Thaddeus, and Bartholomew were all crucified. Paul and Matthias were beheaded. Matthew was killed with a halberd. James the Less had his head bashed in with a fuller’s club. Thomas, also known as “Doubting Thomas” was thrust through with a spear. So, if they made up Christ’s resurrection, why didn’t they recant? Why did they die? How were they to gain from a lie in death?
Persecutions didn’t stop with the Disciples. Church fathers like Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin, Plutarchus, and Irenaeus were among those martyred for their faith. Arguably, thousands, if not millions, have been tortured and/or killed because they identified themselves with Christ. This is in fulfillment of John 15:18. Thousands of years have passed, millions have been martyred, yet the church still goes on.
Even today, churches are burned. Christians are ridiculed. In foreign countries, they are still hunted and martyred. In fact, a website, called Voice of the Martyrs, has been set up to showcase this persecution and to be a nexus for prayer for these brave soldiers. Yet, the church still goes on.
Why does she [the Church] still go on? She still goes on because she is fueled by God. Temples to Venus and Jupiter and others like them are out of business but the church is still marching on.  She’s been attacked by pagans and Muslims, but she still marches on. She’s under attack now by liberals with a self-centered agenda, but she will continue to march on until the Lord calls her home.

Yes, I believe Israel and the Church are the two greatest proofs that God exist. There is no other explanation as to how two entities, who are despised by so many, can continue to exist and thrive except for God. Businesses have come and gone. Empires has risen and fallen but both the Church and Israel continue on. With that, there is no argument.

The Republican National Convention (RNC) and Blacks

Is there any wonder why a political sect who calls itself the “Grand Old Party” is not a magnet for Blacks (or any minority for that matter)? Whenever you see a Republican convention or a Republican campaign gathering, all you see is a sea of white faces. This is not so with the Democratic Party. When you see one of their campaigns or conventions, you see what America is all about, sea of diversity—Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, and everything in between. Why is this? What must the Republicans Party do to reach out and win the hearts of minorities? Are they willing to do it?

            I know that the Republican Party is called the Grand Old Party, or the GOP, because it is one of the longest standing political parties, founded in 1854 by anti-slavery activists. But how many minorities know this about the Republicans? How many know that Abraham Lincoln, someone Barak Obama refers to often, was a Republican? When most minorities think Grand Old Party, they likely think “Grand Old Times” when blacks were slaves and white ran everything. The name may hearken back to a time when things and people were segregated—an idea reinforced by a sea of white faces. In fact, up until the mid-to-late 20th Century, must Blacks were Republican.
            So, what changed? What changed is what is set in the mindsets of those who are now Democrats. The Republicans were made up of the whites who endorsed segregation. They enforced rules of Blacks riding in the back of the bus, separate water fountains and separate restrooms. They were mainly the ones who chased down and killed those who were opposed to change. These “Gentlemen” were the ones who lynched blacks and burned crosses, all the while wearing sheets over their heads to hide their identity and protect their standing as upstanding citizens.
            Democrats, on the other hand, offered equality for Blacks. Presidential candidates like John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson offered hope for minorities going as far as to enforce school integration and passing the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act. With these enticements, minorities migrated over to the Democratic Party and have largely been part of the Democratic demographics ever since.
            Because of strong maternal influence, a large number of minorities are church-goers, although this number is decreasing with each generation. However, because of the church’s influence, many minorities have a strong since of morality and values. In fact, I am willing to go as far as to say that many of their values are the same or closely related to the values of conservative Republicans. Speaking from what I know, most Blacks believe in the sanctity of marriage, prayer in schools, God in America, are either against homosexuality as a class or believe it is up to the individual but not a matter for law, and believe in smaller government and lower taxes. Most are for immigration laws and tougher penalties for crimes.
            Therefore, with so much in common, why are most Blacks, as well as, other minorities Democrats? Personally, I believe it is because most Blacks see Republicans as rich white folks who don’t want Blacks to have anything. As spun by the media, Republicans don’t want to pay their fair share of taxes but what to add more of that burden on the backs of the poor, the have-nots, the minorities. They see Republicans as people who want to cut programs like Social Security and Medicare yet not cut their own salaries, which most of them don’t need because they’re rich already. Republicans have endorsed two wars overseas leading to the deaths of over 4,000 American soldiers. Republicans are responsible for giving tax breaks to corporations that outsource jobs overseas, jobs that are primarily held by minorities, thereby leading to higher unemployment. In short, Republicans are interested in only protecting their interests which are contrary or contradictory to those of minorities.
            So, what can the Republican Party do to correct this and get more blacks in their ranks? First, they need to change their image. They need to be seen as a party who care for everyone and not just the rich and the middle class. They need to work to get better paying jobs in this country—perhaps those green jobs Obama spoke of in 2008. If the Republicans want to get rid of or decrease dependence on welfare programs, they should provide more funding for better education and hold people responsible for their actions. If people have children, they need to take care of them. That is not society’s job. (It may take a village to raise a child, but the village doesn’t have to pay for it.) Republican leadership should have an open and candid talk with Hispanic leadership to discuss how best to tackle immigration laws. In the end, not everyone will be pleased, but something has to be done.  In short, take care of home first.
Taking care of home first means balancing national security with the needs of the home. We need to be safe and feel safe but national security is not mutually exclusive to balancing the budget, improving education, creating jobs, and securing our borders. Like anyone else, Blacks are going to give their allegiance to those they perceive are meeting their needs. Perception is everything.
Will the Republican Party do any of these things? Will these middle- and upper-class Caucasians embrace their minority brothers and sisters? Will they seek to convert them to the ‘true’ party line? Time will tell. They will do something better than they did if they sincerely want Obama to be a one-term president. A black RNC chairman won’t be enough as Ron Steele has already shown.
As a long-time Democrat, I admit I am losing admiration for the party. They are embracing ungodliness in the name of inclusiveness. They have not delivered on most of their promises. They are in favor of big government despite what they advertise. As someone once said, the more the government gives, the more control they want. I don’t want a society of entitlement but a society of encouragement and an even playing field. God. Country. Party.