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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good Stewards - Our Bodies

The one thing we cannot neglect but we all do is our bodies. The Bible says that we are not our own and that we have been bought with a price (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)). That means that we are the property of Someone else. Just as some 200 years ago African slaves didn’t own themselves in this country, as Christians, we do not own ourselves now. Even if you do not subscribe to Christianity, it is important for you to take care of your body because it is the only one you have and contrary to science fiction, you will not get another one.

            Taking care of our bodies means several things. First, we must eat right. Eating right does not mean eating bland food but eating food in moderation. We must drink plenty of water (this is where I fail). We need to cut back on the sugar and caffeine. I don’t know what the cause is, but I still suspect that it is something in our diets that is the leading cause of the rise in Alzheimer’s disease. It may even be the cause for many cancers. We know that it is the cause for some cases of Diabetes.
I like biking.

Not only must we eat right, we must exercise. We need to work our muscles—this includes the heart. It is always recommended that you speak with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Your doctor can not only give you permission but can suggest the best exercises for your health needs. Walking is beneficial. I like to walk. I haven’t moved up to running yet. Working in the garden can be healthy. I love to bike. There is also skating, rollerblading, sports games like volleyball, soccer, flag football, basketball, or even mountain climbing. (I have great memories climbing Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas). Then there’s the tried and true gym (calendar regular gym times and keep the appointments). Some gyms have pools and swimming is a great form of exercise. If your gym doesn’t have a pool, you can look around for one that does and see if they offer guest memberships. Some have suggested taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work (something I often did). Walk to lunch instead of ride (if it is close by). Home gyms are sold in many retail outlets and come in varying sizes. You can get everything from the big all-in-one unit to individual weights and pull-up bars. The point is this: there is no excuse why we cannot exercise other than laziness and laziness can lead to other problems like heart disease, heart attacks, and weight problems.

Here are a few other suggestions for take care of our bodies: take regular baths and use deodorants, stop smoking, limit our intake of alcohol, and get plenty of rest. Brush your teeth daily—the recommendation is twice a day—and include the tongue. The biggest cause of teeth loss is gun disease which can be thwarted, for the most part by regular brushing. And last, but certainly not least, get regular physical exams—at least once a year—to ensure your health status. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard of people waiting to go to the doctor when they are not feeling well only to find out they have cancer and only a limited time to live. Many cancers are detectable in the earlier stages but are not detected because we do not want to go to the doctor. Take care of your body—it is the only one you’ll get. The condition of your body determines the condition of your life.

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