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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Intro to Book

Saturday, October 2, 2010

America, A Christian Nation?

I know many people believe today that America once was but is no longer a Christian nation. I wish to disagree with them. America has never been a Christian nation. We have been a nation of Christians but not a Christian nation. I say this for the simple truth—a nation cannot considered Christian unless certain characteristics are met.

If there ever was a Christian nation is would have been Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire). This city, founded by Constantine, was declared a Christian realm and its entire citizenry was ordered to be baptized into the Christian faith. With the later Edict of Thessalonica, Constantinople and the whole Roman Empire was declared to be a Christian nation and heretics (those whose beliefs differed from the state-accepted view) were banned from much of its realm. Though many who lived in the land were apt to be Christian in name only, this is likely the only realm, so far, that can claim the title of ‘Christian nation’.

Christianity has never been the official religion of America. When this country was founded, it was considered a haven for those who wish to have religious freedom, that is, the freedom to worship their God in a way that met their spiritual convictions. The First Amendment to the Constitution guaranteed the citizens of this land that right. Congress, the lawmaking arm of the government, was not to create or impose any laws that would hinder or curtail a person’s right to freely express their religious convictions. This was primarily in support of Christianity but not Christianity alone. Other religions were also included in this Amendment—Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Para-Christian religions like Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The Founding Fathers created the First Amendment to the Constitution with the intention that there not be a state-sponsored or state-endorsed religion, such as was the case in England with the Anglican Church. Yet, they did not set up Christianity as the official religion of the land because there were differences in faiths even among them. Some were Deists; some were Agnostics; some were Unitarians, but all believed in the right of the individual to choose for themselves if they would worship and whom they would worship.

I do not believe that we have ever been a Christian nation. We have been (and, to some extent, still are) a nation of Christians. Unfortunately, the degree to which that is true is waning, and eventually, that statement may no longer be true. A mass immigration of people of different faiths into our land and the waning of Christianity among native-born Americans may make us as much a nation of Christians as Constantine’s proclamation made Constantinople a Christian nation.

In my next posting, I will continue this discussion of the Founding Fathers, the First Amendment along with this notion of ‘Separation of Church and State’. Was this a desire of the Founding Fathers? Does the Constitution support such a doctrine? Is such a doctrine legal? Is it enforced universally?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

For Such a Time as This-Cover

Here is my new book cover proof. This design is from the publisher. I'll publish the final cover once they finalize it.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

To Burn or Not to Burn

According to local and international news reports, Dove World Outreach Church in Gainesville, FL is planning to hold a burning of the Quran on September 11, 2010. MSNBC, on their site, asks whether or not the incident is wise or not. According to the pastor of the church, Rev. Terry Jones, he is doing it to make a statement to Muslims. Per the site, Rev. Jones said, “Instead of us backing down, maybe it's time to stand up. Maybe it's time to send a message to radical Islam that we will not tolerate their behavior.” Personally, I don’t see the benefit in it.

The White House and the Pentagon, along with the Vatican and Muslim clerics, are concerned about retaliation from Muslim extremists if this should happen. I don’t blame them. The first thing I would have thought of ‘how might this affect our US Soldiers in the Muslim world?’ I understand the need to make a statement. I don’t understand the need to do something so extreme and so extremely provocative. It is one thing to show your disagreement with Islam and the acts of extremists. It is another thing to become one yourself.

As I wrote in my book, Reflections of the Soul, Jesus never called for military or militant action to promote the Kingdom or the Kingdom’s agenda. Christ never called for Christians to bomb abortion centers, demean aborting mothers, harass the families of Gays and Lesbians, nor burn Qurans in public. This is not a demonstration of love. Instead, it feeds into their mindset that Christians are evil and not of God and must be eradicated.

As I read the comments, many of them read like this: “isn’t like Christians to be so intolerant though they preach love,” “this isn’t following the teachings of Jesus” and “It is distressing to see the intolerance and bigotry of these 'so called Christians'. What do they want another crusade?” Is there any wonder they call Christians, “kooks” and “nut-cases?”

Another thing I don’t agree with is the extreme response of other churches. The news report goes on to say, “At least two dozen Christian churches, Jewish temples and Muslim organizations in the city have mobilized to plan inclusive events — some will read from the Quran at their own weekend services.” I can’t speak for Jewish temples because I’m not Jewish, but I can say that Christian churches have no business reading texts from the Quran during their services, unless it is to show the contrasts between it and the Bible. Reading the Quran in church to promote it as a God-recognized religion is no better than reading pagan texts and promoting witchcraft as a God-recognized religion. Paul said, “For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? (1 Cor. 6:14-16)”

It is one thing to become all things to all people that you might win some; it is another thing to compromise your faith and your covenant with Christ in order to get along. The Bible says that we are to live in peace with all men, as much as it depends upon you, but we are not to compromise our doctrine for it. Remember the Church at Pergamos (Rev. 2:12-17).

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

America's Lost Legacy (Part 6)

A Church with Passion (Part Two)

There are several signs of a church with passion:

  • A church with passion is a witnessing church. Her members will be fervent about telling others about God and about what He has done for them because of the anointing that is upon them.

  • A church with passion is a ministering church. She offers ministries that meet her member’s needs and offer her members opportunities to apply their spiritual gifts.

  • A church with passion is a giving church. Her members will have been taught that everything belongs to the Lord and that they are stewards of His property. Therefore, out of gratitude, they will give back to Him the portion that is due Him.

  • A church with passion is a discipled church. Her members are taught the Word of God so they can apply it to their lives and not sin against Him. The church is to teach her members about God, His expectations of His people, and His plan for His people. They make themselves available to be taught by attending Christian education classes and small group Bible studies. In addition, they study the Word for themselves.

  • A church with passion is a discipling church. Jesus’ commandment to His Disciples was for them to make more disciples. His Disciples were to teach others what He had taught them. Church members are to learn the Word of God so they may be able to teach it to others, their families, in particular.

  • A church with passion is a fellowshipping church. The church in Acts was a fellowshipping church. Luke says this of the Jerusalem church: “…and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.” The members of a passionate church do not forsake the assembly of themselves together.

  • A church with passion is a miracle-working church. Because of their passion for and faith in God, God rewards them with His presence and His power is evident in the lives of His people. Jesus said that if a person had faith the size of a mustard seed, they could do the impossible. People who are passionate about God will have strong faith and that faith will be manifested in miraculous ways.

  • A church with passion is a worshipping church. Because she is grateful to God for His salvation, His grace, and His mercy, she worships Him in spirit and in truth because the Father seeks such to worship Him.

  • A church with passion is a growing church. Luke goes on to say, “And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” Who would not want to join a church that is excited about God , excited about each other, excited and secured in their eternal destiny, demonstrating the miracle-working power of God, and welcoming to all and judgmental to none?

I know from my own experience how important it is to have people in your life who are enthusiastic about their faith. I grew up in a Christ-loving home. I was taken to church every Sunday but that isn’t where Christ stopped. He was praised in the home. He was talked about in the home. The Bible was read in the home. When I was baptized, my Aunt Josephine bought me my first Bible. I was so proud of it and I read from it often.
          I did not come from a church that emphasized personal Bible study or Quiet Times (daily devotion). Though we did have Baptist Training Union (BTU), it was not the same. Even though there were many activities for youth at my church, I was encouraged by my Sunday school superintendent, James Chatters, to be involved. I was asked to serve as the Associate Superintendent of Sunday school, and thus my ministry career began. I didn’t understand real spiritual growth until I went off to college and I saw other young people seeking after the Lord with earnest. At the Baptist Student Union (BSU), under the leadership of Arliss Dickerson, I was given the opportunity to serve and to put into practice that which I learned in private study. I was around other young people and we became a family. We put on events. We ministered together. We worshipped together. There was no gender, no color, but Christ was all. Now, I realize how important all those people and organizations were to my spiritual development.
If we are to save our nation, we must return to our passion for God. We must remember from whence we have fallen and repent. We must turn our backs on worldliness and return to holiness. We must praise Christ in our churches and in our homes. We must model Him before our families and our colleagues. We must reach out to our children and our youth with the Gospel and challenge them spiritually. We must reclaim this lost generation. When we do that, we will start raising a generation of godly people who will make godly decisions based on godly wisdom. This is how we will turn our nation around. This is how we will become, not a Christian nation, but a nation of Christians, once again.

Monday, September 6, 2010

America's Lost Legacy (Part 5)

A Church with Passion (Part One)

God told the church at Ephesus that they had left their first love. They were once hot for God. They were once on fire for Him. They had great zeal and great fervor for Him, but now, they’ve cooled. He encouraged them to return to their first love. When church members returns to the zeal and enthusiasm they once had for their Lord, they will again be able to positively affect and influence their families for the Kingdom. Godly children become godly adults who will use godly wisdom to affect positive change in their families, on their jobs, in their churches, in their communities, and in their nation.

When the Church returns to her first love, she, too, will be able to affect positive change. Jesus told the church at Ephesus to remember from whence she fell. She was to remember the love and zeal she once had. She was to remember the power and strength she once had. She was to remember the favor of God she once had. Once she remembers where she fell from, she is to repent and go back to it. To repent means to die to a sin or a sinful way of life. For what does she have to repent? She is to repent of allowing worldliness to enter into her. She is to repent for compromising with the world. She is to repent for her disobedience to the commands of Christ. She is to repent for her idolatries. The church at Ephesus was to repent and die to the life she was now living, the sins she was not committing, and to return to God. She was to turn her back on what she was now doing and return to her zeal and her passion for her first (and only) Love.

To those churches that do not repent, He “will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place.” That means that He will remove His blessing from her. He will write Ichabod on her. He may even kill off her members or just let the church die off through natural attrition. He may even give them over to a strong delusion that they may believe the lies of false teachers. If a church repents of growing cold towards Jesus, then He will restore her. He told the Ephesian church, “‘To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.’” He would bless those who repent with eternal life.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

America's Lost Legacy (Part 4)

A Lost Opportunity

This lack of zeal is not always on the parents. There are boring churches out there with boring (stiff) services. Church is supposed to be about a dynamic people worshiping a super-dynamic God. God is living and His word is alive. Worship should be live, electric, and participatory. The presence and the power (the anointing) of God should be felt. The Word, which brings conviction, should be preached. God’s word is not always a feel-good message. It usually  is about illuminating and expounding on who God is and what His expectations are for His people. The fact that we are so far removed from God’s perfection and that we fall far short of His expectations should bring conviction which leads to repentance, and repentance leads to change.

Churches should offer opportunities for children and youth to be involved. This is their church, too. The church should not only provide opportunities for them to exercise their spiritual gifts, it should also provide ministries to which the children can belong. The church is a community; it is not a building. It is a place where each member can belong and feel like they do belong. The Bible says that God places each member in the Body as He sees fit. Children and youth should be trained, taught, and mentored. They should also be allowed to serve.

Youth need something to do. They get into trouble when they have too much free time. Idle hands and minds are the devil’s playgrounds. Churches should offer youth the opportunity to be a part of a group where they can learn and worship with others like them. They need other maturing youth to help hold them accountable. They need programs and events in which to participate—dances, parties, games, camps, competitions, and ministry events—things that will allow them to put into practice that which they’ve learned.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

America's Lost Legacy (Part 3)

The Lost Passion

Children and youth have no zeal for God or the things of God because their parents don’t. It is true that parents and churches have to compete with worldly entertainment, but if parents would teach their children while they are young and if parents would exhibit an enthusiasm for Christ before their children, their children would grow up with a stronger desire for God and the things of God. This is what it means to raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Parents are to teach their children the Word and model before their children the Word and they are to do so with passion.

When children think about church, they think boring. They think this for two reasons. First, their parents think church is boring and because oftentimes it is boring. Children more often than not go to church because their parents make them go. Their parents go because they think of going to church as a duty to do, a task to be completed, more so than out of a love for God. This is made evident to the child (to the world and to God) by their lifestyle outside the church. If they loved God and had a passion for God, then they’d do the things approved of by God. They would be eager to assemble themselves with like-minded believers. They’d witness more. They’d minister more. They’d attend prayer meetings and Bible Studies regularly. They certainly would arrive at church on time. Parents’ actions loudly declare to their children their true level of commitment to God and their true feelings for Him. Not only would they do the things that please Him, they would do them with excitement.

Parents underestimate the effect their lifestyle and witness have on their children. They are to model Christ and Christ was zealous about God and His Kingdom. Christian parents should be as well. Instead, they make going to church as appealing as sitting through a five hour lecture by a CPA on the intricacies of tax law. They make going to church as interesting as watching water boil. This is because church is not exciting to them. It’s just another thing to do. But if parents spent their time away from church teaching and ministering to their children, they would go to church with enthusiasm because of the drawing power of the Word. At church, they would be empowered and equipped to minister during the week. On the Lord’s Day, they’d go to church with eagerness because of their desire to share what the Lord had done for them and through them during the week.

What about parents who merely send their children to church but don’t go themselves? What message does that send to the child? These parents might tell them that they need to go so they can learn about God, but the child will wonder, ‘why?’ They will want to know what benefit is in it. What’s the purpose of their going to church? How will learning about God help them in life? Why do they need to go but their parents don’t? Don’t their parents need God? Don’t their parents need to know about God? Their parents may tell them that they don’t need to go because they already know about God. (Of course, the truth of the matter is the parents don’t want to know about God and they are sending their children because they see the church as a free baby-sitting service.) So, as these children see their parents cussing, drinking, fornicating, and doing God-knows-what-else, these kids are going to ask themselves, “How is knowing about God going to help me?” It’s no wonder that when these kids come to church they don’t get anything out of it. Nothing they learn is reinforced in the home. In fact, the opposite is true. The things that are reinforced or modeled are the things they should not do, but these will be the things they will do. Though the seed is sown, it doesn’t take root because actions speak louder than words.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

America's Lost Legacy (Part 2)

The Lost Generation

I read an article the other day from, called More Teens Becoming ‘Fake’ Christians.” The article spoke on the subject of teens being false Christians in the church mainly because of false teachers teaching ‘easy believism’ and ‘cheap grace.’ They have become subscribers to the Joel Osteen and Robert Schuller philosophies of “I’m ok, you’re ok.” The article said that these youth believed that God wanted them to “feel good and do good.”

How did these young people go so far astray? It is because of us—the adults. First, they were taught false doctrine by followers of false doctrine. They latched onto these doctrines of demons because it tickled their ears and gave them something they could believe and make them feel good.

I believe there is also another reason for this shift. It is because the people of God have lost their passion for God. God’s people don’t have the zeal for Him they once had. They have succumbed to the cares and pressures of the world. Look at Sundays. Ballparks should shut down because of church. Ballparks should close during the times of worship due to lack of demand. Instead, churches are cancelling services for ball games. We have lost our passion for God; therefore, we no longer teach our children the truths of God.

The Bible supports this conclusion. The Book of Joshua describes how God led the children of Israel up to and into the Promised Land. Before crossing over the Jordan River, God had the Israelites place memorial stones in the Jordan River to serve as a reminder to all generations of His faithfulness and His providence. It was to remind the present and future generations that God brought them across the Jordan and into the Promised Land. Then, the change came.

The Book of Joshua concludes with the conquest of the land of Canaan and the dividing of the land among the twelve tribes. The Book of Judges begins where the Book of Joshua leaves off. It not only shows the dividing of the land, it shows the people of God losing their zeal for Him. God told them to go in and utterly (completely) destroy all the inhabitants of the land. He told them that if they did not do this, the Canaanite gods would become a snare for them and lead them away from Him. However, when the Israelites entered the Promised Land, they disobeyed the Lord and did not kill all the inhabitants, but kept some alive to serve as slaves. The Book of Judges begins with God chastising the Israelites for their disobedience. He told them that because they did not do as He commanded them, He would not drive them out of the land but would let them remain and they would become a thorn in their sides. He also told them that their gods would be a snare to them. Instead of obeying God, they did what they wanted to do, what was right in their own eyes.

Their loss of zeal for God not only led to disobedience in ridding the land of its inhabitants, it also led to idolatry. As God said, the gods of the inhabitants became a snare, a temptation, to them. This led to disobedience in the area of discipling their children. Idolatry caused the Israelites to forget the Lord their God. This is proven in Judges 2:10 which says, “When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done for Israel.

Like the Israelites of old, when we lose our zeal toward God, when we grow cold toward Him, we will fail to teach our children about Him. We will fail to tell them about Him and about what He has done for us. Because we have cooled in our passion for Him, we no longer see Him as relevant, as a necessity. God knew this would happen. This is why He told the Israelites, “Now therefore write ye this song for you, and teach it the children of Israel: put it in their mouths, that this song may be a witness for me against the children of Israel. 20For when I shall have brought them into the land which I sware unto their fathers, that floweth with milk and honey; and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and waxen fat; then will they turn unto other gods, and serve them, and provoke me, and break my covenant (Deut. 31:19-20).”

Parents do not want to raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord anymore. They say that they are too busy or it’s not their job. They justify their actions by saying, “I don’t want to impose my religious belief upon my children. I want them to make their own decision.” That is a lie straight from the devil. I know it is a lie from the devil because, first of all, the devil has no problem imposing his values upon our children. Through a secular-humanist education system, an anti-God media, and demon-influenced entertainment, he indoctrinates our children into ungodliness. In education, he teaches them that they evolved from nothing and may or may not evolve into nothing. Therefore, life is meaningless. Through the media, he tells them that those who worship God are fanatics who kill women and children to carry out their religious agenda. He shows them persecuting homosexuals, who only want to be treated as equals, and attacking the dignity women because they exercise their God-given right to abort their children. He uses entertainment to demean women, promote promiscuity, and introduce generations to the occult. Satan is systematically imposing his agenda upon our children. He leads them to believe that there is no God, and if there is, He doesn’t care about what they do.

This is what they learn in school, through entertainment venues, and sometimes, in the church. Then we wonder why people kill, steal, rape, embezzle, molest, and blaspheme without any fear of reprisal or consequence. They’ve been taught their whole lives that they don’t have to account to anyone. They’ve been taught this in the home, in the schools, and in the courts. At most, what they get is a slap on the wrist. There are no severe or eternal consequences for their actions. The live like the Rich Fool of Luke 12 who said, “eat, drink, and be merry,” because when life is over, it’s over.

Secondly, God expects you to impose your will upon your children. Your children were entrusted to you by God. They are His but you are their stewards, their caretakers. God just loaned them to you for season. God expects you to share your passion for Him with them. They will, in the end, make their own decisions but you should stack the deck in God’s favor. After Jesus finished speaking with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, she went out and found everyone she could and told them that she had found the Messiah and invited them to come and see. When they arrived, the Bible says, “And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all that I ever did” (John 4:39).” But after Jesus remained with them for two days teaching them, they told the woman, ““Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Savior of the world” (John 4:42).”

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

America's Legacy (Part 1)

     People are often complaining about the state of affairs. They complain about the economy. They complain about healthcare. They complain about Social Security, government spending, crooked politicians, and escalating crime. These are just a few of the complaints. The problem is that they are pointing the finger in the wrong direction. Instead of pointing the finger at politicians and government leaders, they should be pointing the finger at themselves. That’s right. The reason the things are the way they are is because of us, the American people and the Church.
     Both the American people and the Church are responsible for the state of affairs. In 1963 the Supreme Court declared that prayer in school was unconstitutional (which is a lie). The American people did not protest. The church did not protest. Had they done so, there would be prayer in school today. Our country is based on the principle: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.” This means that the people say what laws are passed and what those laws mean. If there is any question about it, then they have Congress to pass laws that address or remove any ambiguity. When prayer was banned from public schools in 1963, our nation took a turning point.
     Abraham Lincoln is believed to have said: “The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” When prayer and the Bible were banned from public schools, this nation began raising a generation of people who did not know God. These people grew up to become leaders in government and finance. Disaster is inevitable when these godless people made godless decisions based on godless principles.
     Look at our streets. They are filled with children and youth wondering around aimlessly, like sheep without a shepherd. Look in our prisons. They are overcrowded, filled with young men and women, primarily of minority descent, who never stood a chance because they were raised primarily by godless parents who left them to their own devises and the mercies of the streets. Many, if not most, of our young women are pregnant or single parents with no fathers in the picture.
     None of this is what God intended for us. He wanted us to be positive influences on our children and the children around us. Parents, along with teachers, are the greatest influences a child can have. It is no cliché that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. It is an opportunity to shape a life, an opportunity many parents throw away. Children are a blessing from God, but they are also a responsibility, as well. Unfortunately, too many parents delegate the responsibility of rearing, shaping, and influencing their children to the teacher, the preacher, and the television. Because we have not sown into the lives of our children, we are reaping a lost generation—a generation of godless people who will make more godless decisions based on godless standards.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Self-Publishing 101

If you've ever thought about writing a book, I advise you to do it. It can be rewarding in more ways than one. Whether it is fiction or non-fiction, it can be exciting putting your words and thoughts on paper, bring a character alive or fleshing out a topic of interest to you. The daunting task can be in getting the book published. What do you do? Who do you talk to? If you go the tradition route, you will be better off hiring a literary agent who can help you navigate the publishing minefield. This can take time and be as much work as writing the book was. Another way that is becoming more popular is self-publishing. A number of authors have self-published. John Grisham, for instance, self-published his first novel, A Time to Kill.  James Redfield also self-published his novel, The Celestine Prophecy. There are other authors, such as Rudyard Kipling, Mark Twain, and Edgar Allan Poe.

As with anything, there are advantages and disadvantages to self-publishing. But I believe the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Below, you will find information I have found in my self-publishing journey. Let my experience save you some time and trouble.

Advantages to self-publishing
If you have written a manuscript or are writing a manuscript and you are looking to have it published, you might want to consider self-publishing. There are several advantages to self-publishing. They include:
• 100% creative control
• Higher royalties
• Control over cover design and book layout
• Shorter time from manuscript to publication
• Most self-publishing firms have large distribution channels, such as,, bookstore and ebook distribution
• Some firms allow your books to be tracked by traditional publishers such as Doubleday, Zondervan, and Harlequin.
• Author signs a non-exclusive license. This means that you can publish the same manuscript through several self-publishing firms or with a traditional publisher without violating any agreement with the self-publishing firm.

Disadvantages to self-publishing
Just as there are some upsides to self-publishing, there are also some downsides. They include:
• There are upfront fees that must be paid for publication. These fees differ depending upon which package the author chooses. They can run anywhere from $579 to over $6,000. (I’ve worked with two such firms. iUniverse ( has some inexpensive packages but I found you get more for your money from Friesen Press (
• To have a better chance of high sales, it is important to get your books on bookshelves. To do this, you must purchase Book Return Insurance. This is usually in addition to the publishing packages purchased (depending on package; the more expensive packages include this service.) Book Return Insurance allows bookstore to stock your title without risk. If it doesn’t sell, they can return it to the bookseller and get a refund.
• Another thing that ensures high book sales is having a book free of errors, typos, verb-tense inconsistencies, run-on sentences, and other grammatical issues. To protect against this, you can purchase editing services. I believe I found better priced editing services at iUniverse. Friesen Press charges per every 100 word. You can also outsource this to someone who is good in English, such as a school teacher or a grad student.
• Many self-publishing firms provide marketing services for an additional fee. Some more expensive publishing packages include some or all of these services.

What are some self-publishing firms?
There are a number of different self-publishing firms out there. Each one charges different amounts for their services. You can do a Google or Yahoo or some other search to find them. Type in self-publishing in the search bar. Some of the more popular ones include:
Friesen Press –
iUniverse –
Xlibris –
Xulon –

Last thingsJust as different self-publishers charge different amounts for their services, they also have different requirements in regards to the formats of the manuscripts they receive. They also have different requirements as to how manuscripts are submitted. Some accept electronic submissions; some may require the manuscript and supporting documentation to be mailed in. Some firms allow you to split your payments, while others require a one-time, lump sum payment. To find out what each requires and what each provides, you can visit their websites and request a free Author’s Guide. You will have to supply some information to get this guide but it may be worth it. You can also find much of the information you require by searching the company’s website.

Good luck and I’ll see you at the bookstore.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

An "Open" Invitation

An Open Invitation
Revelation 3:20

Usually when we hear this verse, it is during invitation time. The pastor or preacher is saying that god is standing at the door of your heart and he is knocking. If you will let Him in, He will come in and live with you and in you. Though this application is not heretical, it is not a directly what this verse is saying. You might say preachers are taking the actual meaning and making it analogous to the invitation to salvation.

So what does this verse actually mean? To be honest, I did not seek out this verse to meditate on. The Holy Spirit carried me to this verse while I was meditating on what it means to seek the face of God. As we look at what this verse really means, let look at three things: the audience, the door, and the fellowship or communion.

The Audience. The Book of Revelation is addressed to believers. It was written to give those who were suffering from persecution under the Roman government hope. It said to them (and to us) that though it is looking grim, the war is already won; though they appear to be winning, in the end they lose. The early part of Revelation was written to specific churches in Asia Minor. To some, Jesus gave compliments; to other He gave rebukes. One such church that was rebuked was Laodicea.

Jesus called Laodicea the lukewarm church. They were the fence-sitters. They were not necessarily pro-Jesus nor were they necessarily anti-Jesus. They sort of went with the flow. This is how they dealt with persecution. They adapted their behavior to the situation. They were not like Paul who said I become all things to all men that I may perhaps win some. They compromised their testimony to get along and avoid being called out, ridiculed, tortured, or put to death. There are many in the world today that can identify with the Laodiceans.

Jesus was telling them that He would rather that they chose a side. Either be for Him 100% or be against Him, but they can’t have it both ways. His encouragement to them was that though they had forsaken Him, He had not forsaken them. He told them that He was standing at the door (of their church and of their hearts) and that if they would open the door, He would come in and commune with them.

What is the door? The door was the barrier that kept them from giving their all to Jesus. Jesus instructed us to count the cost before we decided to become disciples. Some did not count the cost. When they chose to become disciples, they then realized the cost of that choice. Some shrank back. Jesus said to them that if they would overcome their fear and dedicate their life to Him; if they chose to lay down their lives for His sake and the Gospel’s, then He would accept them. They needed to love Him more than they loved their own lives or their own safety. If they would say to Him, “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back’, then He would come to them and empower them to be His witnesses and be His people.

The Communion. What would He do once He comes? He said He would dine or commune with them and they with Him. He would fellowship with them. He would establish and sustain a relationship with them. He would speak to them and through them. He would teach them. He would empower them for ministry. He would edify them individually and corporately. He would guide them into all truth. He would open to them the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. He would make them His witnesses in the world.

This is the thing that Jesus is promising us today. As Christians, Jesus already lives in us. But because the cares of the world or fear of rejection or persecution, we are not the people He has called us to be. We are timid, fearful, and weak. We compromise our testimony before the world because we seek to fit in to get in. However, "God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Tim 1:7)." If we turn our eyes to Him and focus on Him, then we can walk in the spirit and be strong enough not to give in to the fears or temptations of the flesh.

The song says, “What a friend we have in Jesus?” It should say, “What a friend we could have in Jesus?” Thank God it doesn’t because though we do not seek to be God’s friend, He is ours. The fact that we do not take advantage of that relationship is not God’s fault. He is waiting willing, and able. To His friends, He is willing to open up the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible says, "[He has] made known to us the mystery of His will…(Ephesians 1:9).” Not only that, but through the blood shed by His son, which makes this relationship possible, we have access to the Father.

It is pointless just complaining to the weatherman because he only reports the weather, but talk to Him who can control the weather. It avails little talking to a doctor, he can only do so much, but talk to the Great Physician who has never lost a patient. It avails little to talk to an attorney, but take your case to the Great Advocate who has never lost a case. You can waste money on a therapist or talk to the Mighty Counselor who can give you peace that surpasses all understanding. Whatever the reason, we can go directly to Him and tell Him about our fears, our concerns, and our desires. You cannot shock God because He already knows you and your heart. He knows us better than we know ourselves. The Bible says, "The heart is deceitful about all things and desperately wicked; who can know it (Jer. 17:9)?” I tell you, God can. And He can cleanse it and change it. Only He has the power to transform your life.

Behold, Jesus stands nearby and is inviting you and me to come have a personal and real relationship with Him. Not a relationship that is superficial, but one that is intimate. He is not looking for casual friends. He has plenty of those. He is inviting you and me to be best friends, BFFs, if you will. What will your response be?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus (Part 2)

Looking to Jesus provides us so much more than freedom from worry. It gives us hope, joy, and increases our faith, just to name a few. The thing I want to talk about today is how turning your eyes upon Jesus can multiply your blessings. It is true and biblical that Turning your eyes upon Jesus can increase your blessings. With the Spirit’s help, I will show you how.

The year 2010 needs to be the year the church stop seeking just after God’s hand but after God’s face. We have spent too much time just seeking God’s hand. By that I mean, we spend prayer time asking God to give us this or that. That is seeking God’s hand. Seeking God’s face means to spend time with Him in prayer and in His Word getting to know him, and not just about Him. We need to spend time building our relationship with Him—after all, a relationship is what we were created for. A relationship is what separates true Christianity from religion. God is not about religion; He wants a relationship with His children. Religion is about ritual, rules, and rites which lead to death. Jesus is about redemption, reconciliation, and a relationship that leads to life everlasting.

Imagine with me, how strong would a relationship be if a boyfriend's or girlfriend's only interested in a person was from the neck down. Those are the relationships that go south quickly. Relationships that are about getting what we can from a person and not about getting to know the person are doomed from the start. I am reminded of the words to the song, Friends, by Whodini:
Talking on the telephone for hours at a time;
Else I was at your house or you were at mine.
Then came the arguments and all kinds of problems,
Besides making love we had nothing in common.
Could’ve lasted longer ‘cause it started out strong;
Guess we went about the whole thing wrong.
Saddest the way it came to an end;
‘cause we became lovers before we were friends.

The Southern Baptists like to say that if God can get your heart, He can get your pocketbook. By that they mean, if God is allowed to sit on the throne of your heart, you will have no trouble giving Him all you’ve got—since you’ll recognize it’s His anyhow. But did you know that the reverse is also true? Many are familiar with the passage of Psalms 37:4, even if they don’t know the chapter and verse. Psalms 37:4, says, “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” That means that we are to seek the Lord’s face and He will bless us with the things that we want. He will do this because the things that we’ll want will be the things He wants us to have. Another good passage is 2 Chronicles 7:14, which states, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” The latter part of the verse is speaking of the blessings they desperately needed because they and their land were under a curse.

Let 2010 be the year you get to know God on a more intimate basis. Talk to Him and tell Him your problems and desires and let Him speak to you through His Spirit and His Word. You will find that it will change your life! Not only that, blessings will come your way as well. I am reminded of King David. David was known as a man after God’s own heart. This means that He was a man who sought the face of God. After David sinned with Bathsheba and God sent the prophet Nathan to confront David, God said to David through Nathan, "You are the man. Thus says the LORD God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul; And I gaveyou’re your master's house, and your master's wives into your bosom, and gave you the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee [more] (2 Sam 12:7-8).” David repented and was spared the fate of Saul. God did not kill him nor take the Kingdom away from him. Vow to be a man/woman like David—a person after God’s own heart.

If you seek after the face of God, you can have what is in His hand. What is in His hand? Ask any child—“He has the whole world in His hand.”

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

This is a classic hymn that is sung in many churches. The chorus simply goes:
Turn your eyes upon Jesus/ look full in His wonderful face;
And the things of earth will grown strangely dim/ in the light of His glory and grace.

What does this song tell us? It tells us that we should keep our eyes upon Jesus. You might think that that’s a no-brainer, but how many Christians know to do this but don’t. When we set our minds upon Jesus, then the problems of this world will seem trivial. This is because when we focus on Him, 1) we realize that there is nothing that He can’t handle and 2) we realize the futility of worrying about ‘stuff’.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that your ‘stuff’ is important to you as is my ‘stuff’’ to me. The thing that we must not forget is that the 'stuff' we worry about won’t likely be an issue 10 years from now. (I’m sure you don’t remember what you were worried about 10 years ago.) It certainly won’t be an issue a million years from now. So what is the benefit of worrying? If you can’t do anything about the problem or you’ve done all you can about the problem, then worrying about it won’t accomplish anything else. You are accomplishing as much worrying as you are taking a walk without getting out of your chair. Just put the problem in God’s hand and leave it there!

The Holy Spirit gave me the perfect definition for worry—meditating on the problem and not the solution. There is even scripture to support this. Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” In this passage Paul was telling us about how to get peace—the opposite of worry. Our minds are at peace when follow God’s plan. When we think on the other things, that’s when the stree set in.

Similarly, Jesus said in Matthew 6, when we focus on what we are going to eat and what we are going to wear and where are going to sleep, we are worrying. But when we set our eyes on Jesus, we don’t worry about these things. When we focus on Him, then we trust him even if it means going without or sleeping outdoors. It is better for us to eat bugs and sleep in the mud with God, than to eat lobster and sleep in a palace on a pillow-top mattress without Him.

You might say, ‘Easier said than done.” This is true. We are not patient people and many are not passive people. We have to be doing something. I think this is one reason why women outlive men. Men are Mr. Fix-its. When we can’t fix it, we worry because we need to be doing something but there is nothing to do. Women are wired differently so the desire to fix it isn’t as strong in them, which likely translates into less stress. In any regard, whether you are a male or female, you’ve got to give worry up. The return on your investment isn’t worth it.

When Peter stepped out of the boat, everything was fine as long as He kept his eyes on Jesus. He wasn’t worried about the waves or the laws of physics or anything else. It wasn’t until he took his eyes off Jesus that he began to fall, fret, and flail. Likewise, as long as we keep our eyes upon Jesus, we too will find life abundant and full of peace.