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Sunday, August 14, 2011

2 Great Proofs That God Exist

There many proofs that God exist. First, the earth is proof. We are on a planet that is safely distant from the sun. We are close enough that we don’t freeze; yet far enough that we don’t burn up. Human life is other proof. The body is complex. Even the eye is too complex for modern doctors to completely understand. We can even begin to scratch the surface of the brain. Here are two more proofs of God’s existence. Yet, many people think this all happened by chance.  But these are not the two great proofs I am referring to. The ones I am referring to are Israel and the Church.


I believe Israel is one of the greatest proofs or evidences of God’s existence. According to the Bible, Israel was founded by God through the man Abram. God said to him that He would make of him (Abram/Abraham) a great nation. He promised that Abraham’s seed would be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the sand by the seashore. God promised Israel a land that would be theirs forever.
God allowed Israel to go Egypt in order to grow into a nation large enough to conquer the Promised Land. After 400 years, He visited Israel and delivered her from the Egyptians and led her into the land in which they now live. From the time that they left Egypt until this day, Israel has been under attack. She has been hated and despised by her enemies. Yet, she still exists. Even though she has gone up against enemies bigger and more powerful than she is, she still stands and they have fallen. Whether they are Perizzites, Hittites, Jebusites, Amorites, or Amalekites, God has protected the nation of Israel. Even Adolf Hitler could not wipe out the Jews.
In fulfillment of His promise in Ezekiel 66 that a nation would be born in a day, Israel was recognized as a state in May 14, 1948. During the 6 Day War, God protected Israel when Egypt, Syria, and Jordan sought to invade. Even today, with Iran breathing threats of destruction, the Palestinians sending bombs and missiles into the land, and the whole world looking at Israel with disgust, she will still stand. If God does not exist, how could such a nation still exist in the face of such opposition? God defends Israel, Even when Iran and her Russian and Muslim confederation try to invade her, God will defend Israel by destroying the entire invasion force. Why does Israel still exist? God looks after her. He made a covenant with her and He will see it through to completion.

The Church

Since the Church’s beginning, she, too, has been the target for those who are against God. Why is this? Since her founding, the Church has done nothing but preach love and hope and sought to meet needs. Yes, there were some bad apples along the way. The Crusades were not ordained of God, I believe. But for the most part, the Church has been on the defensive not the offensive.
Nearly all the Disciples of Jesus were martyred; all but John the Revelator. People argue that the Bible account was a lie and that Jesus did not die or that Jesus did not get up from the grave. They pose the hypothesis that it was all a ruse perpetrated by His Disciples. My question is, to what end? They nearly all died miserable deaths. Peter, Philip, Andrew, Simon, Thaddeus, and Bartholomew were all crucified. Paul and Matthias were beheaded. Matthew was killed with a halberd. James the Less had his head bashed in with a fuller’s club. Thomas, also known as “Doubting Thomas” was thrust through with a spear. So, if they made up Christ’s resurrection, why didn’t they recant? Why did they die? How were they to gain from a lie in death?
Persecutions didn’t stop with the Disciples. Church fathers like Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin, Plutarchus, and Irenaeus were among those martyred for their faith. Arguably, thousands, if not millions, have been tortured and/or killed because they identified themselves with Christ. This is in fulfillment of John 15:18. Thousands of years have passed, millions have been martyred, yet the church still goes on.
Even today, churches are burned. Christians are ridiculed. In foreign countries, they are still hunted and martyred. In fact, a website, called Voice of the Martyrs, has been set up to showcase this persecution and to be a nexus for prayer for these brave soldiers. Yet, the church still goes on.
Why does she [the Church] still go on? She still goes on because she is fueled by God. Temples to Venus and Jupiter and others like them are out of business but the church is still marching on.  She’s been attacked by pagans and Muslims, but she still marches on. She’s under attack now by liberals with a self-centered agenda, but she will continue to march on until the Lord calls her home.

Yes, I believe Israel and the Church are the two greatest proofs that God exist. There is no other explanation as to how two entities, who are despised by so many, can continue to exist and thrive except for God. Businesses have come and gone. Empires has risen and fallen but both the Church and Israel continue on. With that, there is no argument.

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