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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Are You a Counterfeit Christian?

I ask this question based on a sermon I preached earlier this year called Counterfeit Christianity. In it, I acknowledge that I don’t believe that it is possible for a person who is saved to lose their salvation. However, I do believe the Bible teaches that it is possible for a saved person to renounce it or to desert it.

Using Jesus’ Parable of the Sower from Matthew 13, we discover how it is possible for some people to think they are saved but are not. They think their faith is genuine but it is not. They think their salvation is real but it is not. In fact, it is counterfeit. Let’s look at why.

In Jesus’ parable, He speaks of a sower who sows seed, literally, throws out seed. This seed lands on four types of ground. The first type is the hard soil. Jesus said this soil represents the person who hears the Word and immediately rejects it. This is the person who feels he or she doesn’t need Christ to be saved. They believe that they can be saved by their own works or their own righteousness regardless of what God, Himself, says about what it takes to be saved. They hear the Word but they ignore it because they don’t see how a person who died 2000 years ago can have any effect on their life today.

The second soil that received seed is the rocky ground. The rocky ground is the ground that receives the seed but the plant dies out because of the assault of the heat and lack of roots. This ground represents the person who hears the Word and receives the Word but falls away because of persecution or tribulation. They are saved but when they face ridicule from their family or friends or their lives or safety is threatened, they deny the faith and renounce Christ. Of them, Jesus said, “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it (Mark 8:35).”

Some seed fell among the thorns. Thorny plants are predator plants and they steal the nutrients from the other plants Jesus said that this type of heart is one that hears the Word, believes the Word, receives the Word, but because of worldly cares and the deceitfulness of riches, turns his/her back on the Word, thus becoming unfruitful. Worldly passion chokes out passion for the Lord. They are saved because they received the Word, but choose this present world over the promises of God. Of them, Jesus said, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62).” Paul said one such person was Demas, who “has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and has departed for Thessalonica... (2 Timothy 4:10, emphasis added).” Let's remember Lot's wife. After Lot and his family were commanded to leave Sodom, they were told not to look back. But Lot's wife looked back. Why did she look back? She looked back because her heart was in that land. As a result of her turning back, she was not able to enjoy the blessings that God had for her.

I believe it may be into the beginning of the Great Apostasy spoken of in the Bible. People do not go to church like they used to. They don’t call on the Lord like they used to, until something bad happens. People, Christians, in particular, have left the church in pursuit of worldly riches. They can’t come because they have to work. They can’t come because they are too tired from working. They can’t come because they have to wash the car. They can’t come because they have to wash clothes. They can’t come because they have to clean the house, mow the lawn, go to the lake, or go to the casino. Question is, why don’t they do these things during the week? It is because they value their jobs above God. They have forsaken Him for worldly passions. Remember the rich young ruler.

Jesus also tells us about the good soil. This soil receives the seed and produces crops that yield fruit a hundredfold, sixtyfold and thirtyfold. Of His people, Jesus said you will know them by their fruit. People who belong to Him regularly study the Word, attend church, go to Bible study on time and prepared, witness for Him, and love one another. We should ask ourselves, are these characteristics present in my life?

Counterfeit Christians. They don’t want to come to church. They don’t want to serve. They don’t want to give. They don’t want to pray. They don’t want to praise. They don’t want to witness. They don’t want to read the Word. They don’t want to spend time with God but when they die they are expecting to get to Heaven. Somebody is fooling themselves.

The Bible tells us that we are to examine ourselves. We should ask ourselves: Is my ticket genuine? Have I truly been bought by the blood? Is Jesus the Lord of my life? Do I confess Him before men? Do I live for Him? If you are one of the soils listed—hard, rocky, thorny—you need to give your life to Christ today. Otherwise, you are playing Russian Roulette with your soul with eternity in the balance. With your soul on the line and eternity at stake, the stakes have never been higher, the odds have never been worse, and the gamble has never been greater.


Anonymous said...

Well said,
Kantrell R. Williams

Don said...

Much appreciated.