This lack of zeal is not always on the parents. There are boring churches out there with boring (stiff) services. Church is supposed to be about a dynamic people worshiping a super-dynamic God. God is living and His word is alive. Worship should be live, electric, and participatory. The presence and the power (the anointing) of God should be felt. The Word, which brings conviction, should be preached. God’s word is not always a feel-good message. It usually is about illuminating and expounding on who God is and what His expectations are for His people. The fact that we are so far removed from God’s perfection and that we fall far short of His expectations should bring conviction which leads to repentance, and repentance leads to change.
Churches should offer opportunities for children and youth to be involved. This is their church, too. The church should not only provide opportunities for them to exercise their spiritual gifts, it should also provide ministries to which the children can belong. The church is a community; it is not a building. It is a place where each member can belong and feel like they do belong. The Bible says that God places each member in the Body as He sees fit. Children and youth should be trained, taught, and mentored. They should also be allowed to serve.
Youth need something to do. They get into trouble when they have too much free time. Idle hands and minds are the devil’s playgrounds. Churches should offer youth the opportunity to be a part of a group where they can learn and worship with others like them. They need other maturing youth to help hold them accountable. They need programs and events in which to participate—dances, parties, games, camps, competitions, and ministry events—things that will allow them to put into practice that which they’ve learned.
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