When we think of death, we think of funerals and burials (or cremations). We remember the loss of life, the empty void, the heartbreak. We see death as the end of life, but God sees death differently. Biblically speaking, death simply means, “separation.” We are spirits with a soul. As spirits, we are eternal. We will live forever. How do I know this? Genesis 1:26 reads, “Let us make man in Our image and after Our likeness.” In John 4, Jesus said God is spirit. So we are made in God’s image (spiritual) and after His likeness (Trinitarian). The Godhead is made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are soul, body, and spirit. When we die, our body simply ceases functioning. Since our body is what anchors our soul to this planet, when our bodies cease, our spirits are free to leave the physical realm. We are then separated from those who are still here.
When God told Adam that when he ate of the tree he would die, He meant that Adam’s disobedience would separate him from God. This is illustrated by God asking, “Adam, where are you?” It wasn’t that God didn’t know where Adam was but to show a change in their relationship. This is again illustrated when Jesus was on the cross. When God placed upon Him the sins of us all, Jesus was separated from God for the first time in eternity. In this separation, Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Since Adam sinned, each soul (being) born after him, was born spiritually dead. We were separated from the presence and the knowledge of God. This is why many people don’t know God, and even some deny His existence.
So, what happens when a person dies? When a person dies in Christ (having trusted Christ as their Lord and Savior), their spirit/soul goes to Paradise to be with the Lord. (Absent from the body, present with the Lord—2 Cor. 5:8). When a person dies apart from Christ, their soul goes to Hell, a place prepared for those who rebel against Him and His will. Why do unsaved people go to Hell when they die? Hell is a place God created for the devil and his angels, the first rebel. It is a place that is separated from His presence and His holiness. This truth is the same for the Lake of Fire, the final destination of the unsaved (those who reject God’s gift of salvation). The Lake of Fire is called the second death, the second separation.
We are eternal beings. This is evidenced in the Bible. Elijah raised the widow’s son. Saul used a medium to call up Samuel’s spirit. Jesus spoke of Lazarus and the rich man. Jesus raised the centurion’s daughter. Jesus raised Lazarus. Jesus, Himself, was raised from the dead. There is also evidence from non-biblical sources. There are many news accounts and reports of people who have died and come back from the dead.
Here are a few sites:
What’s the conclusion of the matter? If we come to Christ, ask Him to forgive our sins, and put our trust in Him as the One who paid the penalty for our sins, we will be saved. We will have life because He will come to live in us. We also have the hope of glory. We will be see our Savior. We will see God. We will be reunited with other loved ones who died in Christ. We may be separated for a time. It may seem like we have lost them as we see them lying in the coffin, but Jesus assures us that all His people will be together again (Matthew 25: 34, John 11:25, Hebrews 11:39-40)